Ages and Stages

Our Rio Grande Valley Moms Blog Contributors write with insight, humor and candor about parenting in all its forms for kids in all ages and stages. 

Last week, I was walking around and feeling happy during my second or third trip to Target when it occurred to me that my 18 month old daughter may not really appreciate this unnecessary trip to my favorite store....
RGV Moms Blog is excited to be partnering with Mooshu Trainers to bring you the following sponsored review. We believe in endorsing products we value and all opinions are genuine and 100% our own. My baby boy just started wearing Mooshu...
1. Boo boos are an everyday staple, for everyone. You have unexplained bruises on your arms, legs, torso. Boys love to play, and climb, and play and climb on mommy. Like the day one son ran into a door frame,...
It was happening. The thing I dreaded the MOST. The reason I had dragged my feet potty training my second child. Here we were, all four of us, crammed in a public restroom, one on the toilet, one trying to escape out...
I can only laugh that I am writing about being a Mommy of a threenager when my daughter just turned two and half! I must say I am going to have my work cut out for me over the...
My first six years of motherhood were spent as a working mom. As a working mom, I had a lot of feelings regarding the role of a stay at home mom. Mostly, they involved me thinking that they have the...
You see that little two year old up there ⇑? Well it's actually his upcoming 3rd birthday and party planning that has led me to cry a few times lately. It's amazing to me how quickly things can spiral out...

Lactation Brownies

I am a few years past the nursing stage with my three little ones, but a mother does not forget what it is like to be worried about her milk supply. It’s a feeling of fear like no other because...
  A New Year, a new journey for many of us. Our new journey consists of being parents once again. And as conspicuous as it may seem to some, others don’t know that we’re on our third! #2 for me...
If you would’ve asked me that question three weeks ago I would have said, “in my daughter’s mouth.” That’s right Ladies and Gentlemen: I am the parent of a thumb sucker…well, actually as of three weeks ago, former thumb-sucker....

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In + Around RGV

RGV Guide to Family Fun – November 2024

November is here! Check out the family-friendly events happening throughout the RGV in our RGV Guide to Family Fun - November 2024! We also...