
Hear from our Rio Grande Valley Moms Blog Contributors about their experiences and tips when it comes to babies.

Are you a breastfeeding mom? Do you often shy away from breastfeeding in public? Do you stay home because the fear (or shame) of merely thinking of having to “pop it out” in public becomes way too overwhelming for...
breastfeeding baby

Celebrate Breastfeeding

Yay! August is National Breastfeeding Month! We're celebrating World Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7) by following the theme of "Breastfeeding: Strength Through Support." Breastfeeding can be beneficial for both mother and child. The rewards of bonding, burning calories (while pumping/breastfeeding), and...
As new parents, we had no idea what we were actually doing - or what we would actually need. These items are, for me, Baby Registry Essentials.
We love guest posts from our readers! The following is one mom's story of struggling with oversupply and finding a silver lining through breastmilk donation. It's inspiring AND informative, so be sure to share! Special thanks to our guest writer, Brycee Loyola! My...
It's giveaway time and we have two copies of Alison Wong's new book, New Mom Comics The First Year! Two lucky readers will be picked Monday night to receive this awesome gift. Read more about New Mom Comics in our gift...
As my son's 4th birthday approaches, I can't help but reminisce about how he burst into this world. The truth is, I don't remember one second of the actual moment he arrived. Not his first cry, not what he...
Do you have a baby on the boob? Then you should know that August 1 -7 is National Breastfeeding Week! Check out some of the local events taking place over the next few days, and then bookmark this post for the list...

Lactation Brownies

I am a few years past the nursing stage with my three little ones, but a mother does not forget what it is like to be worried about her milk supply. It’s a feeling of fear like no other because...
I wasn't a mother. As a strong, independent, educated, know-it-all woman I had my ideas of how motherhood would be and what my kids would be like. One thing was for sure, my kids would NOT have a bald spot on...
Audrey 1yr :: Early Arrival :: RGV Moms Blog

Early Arrival

There are some dates I will always remember.  July 16th, 2011 – The day I found out I was pregnant :) March 28th, 2012 – My due date September 12th, 2011 – The day I finally was able to share the news...

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In + Around RGV

RGV Guide to Family Fun – November 2024

November is here! Check out the family-friendly events happening throughout the RGV in our RGV Guide to Family Fun - November 2024! We also...