Ages and Stages

Our Rio Grande Valley Moms Blog Contributors write with insight, humor and candor about parenting in all its forms for kids in all ages and stages. 

At the far end of our little island, the South Padre Island Convention Centre hosted the Dance Educators of America competitive dance conference earlier this month. SPI was the first stop on a 17-city regional DEA tour. Here, hundreds...
Anxiety over the perfect nursery set up and when and how contractions will start, Anticipation over finally seeing his face and hearing her cry, This is our life now...and I'm not sad about it. An overflowing diaper bag and a never-ending exhaustion, An...
My boys are playing baseball outside, one in an old soccer uniform and the other in a shirt he’s outgrown. They are five and seven — perfect and perfectly positioned. I can hear and see them through my bedroom...
Being a soccer mom is serious business. Soccer season means long mornings in the sun at games and practices while supporting our kids 100%. On top of it all, kids get hungry! How do we prepare for soccer games?...
In honor of Trisomy Awareness Month, RGV Moms Blog would like to share this guest post from a Trisomy 18 mom, Tiffany Pasillas. “Did you know Aiyana had Trisomy 18 while you were pregnant?” the pediatrician asked. “Yes. I had...
Cooking and working out were always my go-to activities. It was "me time." These were the things in the world of crazy kids, demanding work schedules, and ever-encroaching deadlines that I felt I could definitively control. Stirring a soup,...
As moms, we make it our duty to track milestones, monitor child development and pay close attention to our little ones. But every now and then, there are those moments that just make you say, "Now that's a Game-Changer!" More than times...

Song for a Newborn Mama

You are my sunshine I am so tired. He has been the easiest newborn we've had, but boy - I forgot how exhausting the first few weeks can be.  He eats pretty much every hour, and my chest feels like...
As moms, we always do the best we are able for our kids. I am a mom of three amazing little men, and for each of them I was able to nurse, although the experience was different for each...

I Wish You Weren’t My Mom

Yesterday my son showed me a sentence he had typed out for me on the computer: “Momi I rele luv yu.” I think he was trying to make reparations for a barb he sliced me with two days before: I...

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In + Around RGV

RGV Guide to Family Fun – November 2024

November is here! Check out the family-friendly events happening throughout the RGV in our RGV Guide to Family Fun - November 2024! We also...