Making sure our children feel special and loved is something we should focus on all year. Here are 10 simple ways to show them you care.
My momcation wasn't just about friendship and taking a break. It was about making all those seemingly me-centric things a part of my child-centric life.
The key to saving money- or getting it back- requires some good old fashioned communication skills: letters and phone calls.
Moms on the go, working moms, stay at home moms, techie moms - these favorite mobile apps may just make your life a little easier. We've shared a great list of mobile apps that help save money. These help...
Your kids are never too young to learn money management. Dr. Phil had a great saying: “You’re raising adults, not children.” Remember when you received your first paycheck, only to realize that just a fraction of it was for spending on yourself?...
As I was gathering my son's blocks for the fourteenth (or maybe fifteenth) time the other day, I looked around his room.  I suddenly realized how many books, stuffed animals, balls, cars, and other knick-knacks my little boy has. With...
TRAVEL TIPS :: Disney Prep for Beginners

Disney Prep For Beginners

I’m a planner. I like to make lists and slowly check off each item. I recently planned our first big vacation and Disney World (Florida) was the perfect destination for my two year old. My blissful visions of over...
A stain by any other name is a stain…or is it? Let’s face it – children are delightfully messy creatures. Even when you find yourself removing pen stains from the couch. In the early days and months you’re cleaning up...
Moms - a note about parking lot safety: To the mother out and about alone with her children, Do you find yourself glancing every which way as you exit any store or restaurant and make your way back to your car...
I walk into this at our house A LOT... Baby (who is 2 years old) climbing all kinds of furniture. It doesn't matter how many times I tell him, put him in time out, or take him down, if there...

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In + Around RGV

RGV Guide to Family Fun – October 2024

Fall has made its arrival, along with pumpkin spice, pumpkin patches, and trunk-or-treats! Check out our RGV Guide to Family Fun - October 2024,...