Ages and Stages

Our Rio Grande Valley Moms Blog Contributors write with insight, humor and candor about parenting in all its forms for kids in all ages and stages. 

Do you have a baby on the boob? Then you should know that August 1 -7 is National Breastfeeding Week! Check out some of the local events taking place over the next few days, and then bookmark this post for the list...
Attention ladies and gentlemen, thank you for choosing to ride the Ultimate Thrill Coaster - PARENTHOOD! Please keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times. The ride can get a bit bumpy, but trust us, it...
If you're a parent of a child old enough to talk, then I know that you know what I'm talking about when I speak of the toddler logic train. They think it one second and then they say it the...
The first time I saw you, I cried. As the nurse brought you to me, she said "Such a sweet moment for you, hon." Most of my tears were of happiness. I smiled at her, hoping she couldn't tell...
I've always wanted my little one to participate in activities. Until recently, child yoga wasn't even on my mom radar. We enrolled sweet Luis in soccer, which sadly didn't work out because well, as it turns out, he prefers...
My world, my stars, my moon and sky just turned the big FIVE. When my son, Maxon, was born, I had a pretty good idea of what was about to happen. I simply was not prepared for how FAST...
Dear Little Valentine, I hope you always know just how much I love you. You were conceived with love, born with love and have taught me a whole new meaning of love. You ARE love, my little sweetheart. Your kind...
February is Black History Month, and if you're like me, you automatically think of Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Civil Rights Movements and the progress for change that has followed. The library is a great place to find...
Dear Mom I See You

Dear Mom, I See You

Dear Mom,  I am sorry to say that I am guilty of not truly seeing you while I was growing up. I was definitely not the easiest child — dramatic, fiery, and stubborn — in contrast to my soft-spoken, gentle and...
Think being a teenager is hard? Try being a pre-teen. You still like kids’ toys, playing outside with your friends, building on MineCraft, and watching the Disney Channel. But you also like “cool” stuff like celebrities, pop music, YouTube,...

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In + Around RGV

RGV Guide to Family Fun – November 2024

November is here! Check out the family-friendly events happening throughout the RGV in our RGV Guide to Family Fun - November 2024! We also...