It’s October now, and, like many others, I’ve been homeschooling my 6- and 8-year-olds for over six weeks. My partner and I made the decision to homeschool when it became clear that the public schools would be all online for at least a few weeks. Although we love the elementary school teachers, we did not feel that a remote learning setup would be the best for our children — or us. We’re a low-tech household and wanted to keep it that way. Our current plan is to send the kids back to school as soon as they physically reopen, but I am dreading that day. I’ve fallen in love with Charlotte Mason.
I Never Thought I Would be a Homeschooling Mom
Given that I have a full-time job, I never thought I would be a homeschooling mom, but I was always intrigued by it. Contrary to the stereotype, I always found homeschool kids to be really normal — serious, hardworking, and seemingly interested in learning. Since COVID-19 asked us to do more than we ever thought we could, and since I have the privilege of working from home, off I went into a summer of planning and prepping.
My partner and I came to an agreement: I would homeschool the kids every weekday from 9 am to 1 pm, then give them quiet time (together or alone, their choice) from 1-3 pm, and then my partner would take them for some outdoor PE/nature adventure from 3-5 pm. I am still able to work full time, which currently takes the form of writing a book.
For a curriculum, I chose the Charlotte Mason philosophy, which is less of a full curriculum and more of a style of teaching and learning. Mason believed that children are whole human beings, worthy of respect — and good literature. To this end, most of our school day revolves around reading.
I also bought them a math curriculum for the year (Math Mammoth, although next time I would make sure I not to order the International edition, whose last chapter’s focus is New Zealand currency). We also read the Hebrew Bible, do art, copy work, typing, and practice listening, comprehending, and speaking. We are a dual-language household, so on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays the lessons are in Spanish, and on Wednesdays and Thursdays, in English.
A Look at Our Schedule
Our schedule looks like this, and in future blog posts, I can elaborate on each piece. The times are approximate (aside from the 9 am starting time).
8:30-9 am: Baseball outside
9 am: Deal with whatever scuffle baseball has produced 🙂
9:05 am: Biblia/Bible (15 min)
9:15 Math (15-30 min)
Mondays: Art appreciation (5 min)
9:45 am: History Reading and Narration (15 min)
10 am: Avena y Cuadernos / Oats and Notes
11 am: Literature Reading and Narration
11:30 am: Kindle (M/T/F Spanish; W/Th English)
12:00 pm: Eat
12:30: Read more (Aesop/Esopo, Cuentos en Español, baseball books, Artist biographies, etc.)
1 pm: Siesta
3-5 pm: Outdoor play/nature study
Homeschooling is challenging and sometimes frustrating, but when else will I get to watch my kids fall in love with learning? Until next time-