I wouldn’t call myself crafty, but I can use scissors, glue and on really good days I can bust out a needle and thread and make a homemade project. Over the summer, I was very inspired and decided to...
Do you know what to expect when you're expecting? Of course you do. You read the book.
Have you heard about what happens after the baby arrives? Maybe you read the book about that, too.
Did your book tell you what you...
August 1-7 is World Breastfeeding Week. If you visit the WBW link, you'll find lots of information about the benefits of breastfeeding - with a focus on how "exclusive breastfeeding and adequate appropriate complementary feeding are key interventions for...
As a mom of three kids, I definitely have had my share of nursing bras to baby bottles. Delivering my first born at the age of 23, right out of college and a year into my first job...
(This blog post was originally written September 2012)
Over the last couple of weeks, Klarissa has figured out how to curl her tiny toes around my waist and arch her back when I try to put her down and she'd...
As moms of toddlers one of our biggest battles is getting our rugrats to eat a nutritionally healthy meal. Between the supermarket snack aisle and the average fastfood nugget meal with interesting apple slices, making sure our little ones...
That time has come where every year we all don on our rubber gloves, grab a bag and start cleaning house. We want to lighten our loads as summer approaches and some of us are still trying desperately to...
WOW! Do you know what a constant cranky baby can do to a MOM? I hope not! We dealt with something similar in our house…and I felt like I was walking around like a zombie every day from exhaustion...
Becoming a new mom was going to be an easy transition.
I read the books. I consulted with friends. I thought through a million different scenarios and felt they were all thoroughly sorted out.
I was wrong.
On one hand, there are...
Having Twins? Here are some suggestions to help you create your registry.
To get you started, here is a word of advice based on my experience in creating a registry; Do your homework before you go! Do some research on...