Kristina Salinas
Kristina’s Favorite Things
Spring is just around the corner (Wednesday, March 20) and I couldn't be more excited! I love spring and all its beauty. There are also a few things I'm loving now and want to...
Spring Break Activities
Hi Readers! It's been a while and we apologize for not keeping you up-to-date but, we've been busy with our personal lives the past month and haven't had much time to blog. We've...
Fruit Smoothie Recipe
There are mornings in our house when my husband is up and out of the house hours before I am and then I find myself rushing to get ready while hoping the little one...
Surprise, Surprise!
Last November, I wrote a post about my health issues regarding my ability to get pregnant and how I wasn't sure if Mike and I would have more kids. Well, guess what? I am...
Twins Are in Our Future!
Don't get excited now, they are not mine! My sister-in-law is pregnant with TWINS!! Yup, I said it...TWINS!! We (the entire family) are thrilled for her and her husband. As for them, I know...
Happy New Year! What’s in Your Future for 2013?
Happy New Year from RGVMB! We hope you enjoyed your holiday season and time with your families. We are glad we all made it through the holiday season and have a lot to look...
#RandomActsOfGiving | a MONTH of Giveaways from City Moms Blog Network
As some of you probably know, Rio Grande Valley Moms Blog is part of a national network (City Moms Blog) designed to connect moms to information and parenting perspectives unique to the communities in...
RGV Events This Week
For those of you with resolutions to get into shape or become more active, here are two events going on this week/weekend.
Port Isabel Longest Causeway 10k Run & Fitness Walk
Saturday, January 12
This year's event...
Celebrating Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve is favorite time of year. As I was reading through a very special book my mom gave me this holiday season, I came across this message from T.J. Mills and knew...
Date Night- House Wine, McAllen
My hubby and I don't get many date nights but I do have a few places I like going the most. Of the few, one is HOUSE WINE in McAllen.
House Wine opened in October...