Moms, can I be honest?  I wanted to turn in my Mom Card the other day.  I can hear your loud gasps through the interwebs, so let me elaborate. It seemed like I had the flu. I mustered up all...
This RGV Moms guest post is brought to you in partnership with As You Are.  For any mom, one of the hardest things about our role is admitting that our child needs help and then actually seeking it out. Making...
Postpartum Anxiety. What all expecting and new moms need to know about this overlooked condition, including what they can do to overcome it.
I was in kindergarten when I met my first "sister." I was just five years old, shy, quiet and reserved. I was basically the teacher's pet. So when my bilingual teacher decided to move me into the English-only class, I...

Tips for the Fit-ish Mom

Define fit-ish mom.... Hmmm...  This curious specimen known as the fit-ish mom is a female of the human variety that periodically visits the gym, and while there works out her frustrations, vents to her very understanding, fit-ish friends, and pretends...
2020 was meant to be a year of new beginnings for our family. We were blessed with a fourth pregnancy. Another baby sibling for my 5, 3 and 1-year-old. On January 9, 2020, we said goodbye to our baby,...
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Down syndrome occurs when a person has three copies of the 21st chromosome. Due to the extra chromosome, people with Down syndrome are more likely to be born with a congenital heart defect,...
Just a few months ago, we were formulating our New Year's Resolutions. I like to call them our highest hopes for our best selves, and by March, it's high-time to assess where we're at. Let me give you a...
I came across a photo of a lit candle and text that hit me out of nowhere like a ton of bricks. "Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day."
Anyone else's kids always seem to get sick on a weekend at 8:00 p.m.? Flash forward to a scene in the waiting room. Waiting. Kids crawling all over you. They're tempted to run around. You scan the place and...

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In + Around RGV

RGV Guide to Family Fun – April 2024

Spring is here, and there are so many opportunities to get outside and make some family memories! Don't forget the solar eclipse on April...

2023 RGV Holiday Guide