Ages and Stages

Our Rio Grande Valley Moms Blog Contributors write with insight, humor and candor about parenting in all its forms for kids in all ages and stages. 

I wasn't a mother. As a strong, independent, educated, know-it-all woman I had my ideas of how motherhood would be and what my kids would be like. One thing was for sure, my kids would NOT have a bald spot on...
Audrey 1yr :: Early Arrival :: RGV Moms Blog

Early Arrival

There are some dates I will always remember.  July 16th, 2011 – The day I found out I was pregnant :) March 28th, 2012 – My due date September 12th, 2011 – The day I finally was able to share the news...
Something happened recently that really upset me. As I was conversing with my two boys, ages 6 and 9, about Halloween costumes, my 9 year-old informed me he no longer wanted to be a character for Halloween. He said Halloween...
My daughter is now two and a half years old and has recently developed a passion for fashion – whether it’s putting on a hat, jewelry and a boa from her dress-up box OR changing her outfit three times...
Our family is fortunate to live in a great neighborhood, with lots of families and children. Most of the kids go to our local public school, so they see each other at school, on the bus, and around the...
I have an almost-18 month old toddler. When it was time to go back to work after maternity leave I considered two child care options: a day-care center or in-home care from a babysitter. Many of my friends and...
Having three kids in the house, the oldest just having turned 3, my husband and I are constantly on the move and always on the lookout for fun things to do with the kids. My youngest is a wee infant...
I wouldn’t call myself crafty, but I can use scissors, glue and on really good days I can bust out a needle and thread and make a homemade project. Over the summer, I was very inspired and decided to...
Have you ever let someone else watch your kids, and when you got them back, they had a new (vulgar) vocabulary, or asked to watch a particular t.v. show that made you say, “What? You shouldn’t be watching that!”...
I grew up as an only child until I was 10 years old. This meant that I had a lot of time to myself in my bedroom.  As a little girl with no one sharing the room, it seemed...

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In + Around RGV

RGV Guide to Family Fun – November 2024

November is here! Check out the family-friendly events happening throughout the RGV in our RGV Guide to Family Fun - November 2024! We also...