Ok mommies. We are now just a few days from Valentine's Day and it's time to start getting those cards and goodies ready with the little ones. We all know how hard it is to stay away from treats during the...
Just like that January has come and gone.  It seems like the older you get the faster time goes by, but things have so much more meaning to them as you start realizing how precious time is.  I'm certain...

2 Easy Valentine’s Crafts

I love holidays mostly because I get to decorate the holiday window for my daughter. Although I know she gets a kick out of seeing the decorations, I’m sure I enjoy the festivity much more than she does. I...
Whenever the holidays come around, I not only look forward to spending time with my family in Victoria, Tx and stuffing myself with homemade tamales and buñelos. I feel like my family and I have been very blessed and...
  I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I love to read!  And I hope to pass my love for books on to my children.  Christmas is a great season for reading - there are a wealth of...
The Elf On The Shelf has definitely taken over the shelves these past holidays! ... And our houses {and hearts} as well! But keeping it as magical an experience as possible for our little believers has become quite a...
The holiday season brings with it great joy, family time, and for many folks lots of added stress. If your gift list is longer than 3, 4, 5 people, and your bank account is not unlimited, filling the list can...
There is certainly no shortage of holiday events here in the RGV! We have compiled a list of everything we could find to do here in the RGV that is holiday related. If we missed something, please let us...
Do you do the Elf On The Shelf with your kids? We started when my son was two and a half, but he did not understand it one bit. He started to catch on last year when he was...
I have been on a total crafting craze! Guess it's the holidays and the fact that my little one is old enough to get excited for festive decorations. I previously made this easy garland for inside the house, but I needed...

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In + Around RGV

RGV Guide to Family Fun – April 2024

Spring is here, and there are so many opportunities to get outside and make some family memories! Don't forget the solar eclipse on April...

2023 RGV Holiday Guide