Do you do the Elf On The Shelf with your kids? We started when my son was two and a half, but he did not understand it one bit. He started to catch on last year when he was three and a half. I had to be creative last year because Jack would wake up looking for him. Our Elf, Frankie, will be arriving back from the North Pole on December 1st! Here is a calendar (below) full of ideas that will last you until Christmas Day when your Elf goes home to the North Pole for the rest of the year. A few of these are ideas I did last year and some are new ideas. I think I have more fun with the idea of Elf on the Shelf than my kids do!
Download the JPEG of the 2014 Elf on the Shelf Calendar here:
Join us in the fun on Instagram
using #ElfRGV and tag us
@rgvmomsblog all month!
Download the PDF of the 2014 Elf on the Shelf Calendar here:
Elf on the Shelf 2014 :: RGV Moms Blog
December 1 – Your Elf returns from the North Pole with a note and a new Christmas book to read. This year, Frankie is bringing my kids the Polar Express book and movie. My son fell in love with it last Christmas at my parents house so I wanted to get him the book to have at home so he could enjoy it all month long.
December 2 – Your Elf is sitting high and mighty in a Lego chair.
December 3 – Elf is hanging from a slinky.
December 4 – Elf is sitting in a sleigh being pulled by toy cars.
December 5 – Elf is found with his head stuck in a bag of M&M’s or Skittles.
December 6 – Elf is roasting mini marshmallows over a candle.
December 7 – Elf is flying in a hot air balloon made out of a balloon and underwear.
December 8 – Elf leaves a note and items to build gingerbread houses.
December 9 – Elf toilet papers your Christmas Tree.
December 10 – Elf has pee peed in the potty using green food coloring.
December 11 – Elf makes “Snow Angels” out of powdered sugar, flour or sprinkles.
December 12 – Elf has been held hostage by plastic army men.
December 13 – Elf is napping on a Kleenex hammock.
December 14 – Elf is fishing for goldfish.
December 15 – Elf sends the kids on a candy cane hunt.
December 16 – Elf brings a bunch of canned food to take to a food bank.
December 17 – Elf is zip lining through your living room on a candy cane.
December 18 – Elf shows up with cookie mix and sprinkles to make for a friend.
December 19 – Elf is tied to wooden train tracks.
December 20 – Elf is found reading a Christmas book to other toys or stuffed animals.
December 21 – Elf is driving Barbie around in her Barbie car.
December 22 – Elf made a bunch of paper snowflakes.
December 23 – Elf is found sitting in the Nativity scene holding baby Jesus.
December 24– Elf brings the ingredients to make Reindeer food.
December 25 – Elf has gone home to the North Pole, but he leaves a note for the kids to read. P.S. I introduced a girl Elf, Fancy to the kids this year. One for Elf Jack and one Elf for Brooke!
I hope this calendar gives you lots of fun ideas for you and your family to enjoy this Holiday Season!
Great post Kelly! Thank you!!!
[…] an awesome Elf on The Shelf printable calendar, check out this post from our Rio Grande Valley sister […]