I have been on a total crafting craze! Guess it’s the holidays and the fact that my little one is old enough to get excited for festive decorations. I previously made this easy garland for inside the house, but I needed something outside the house to welcome my fellow thankful peeps! After perusing Pinterest for more pinspiration I found this super duper cute turkey wreath. It’s colorful, fun, easy and boy does my daughter get a kick out of it! Let me preface this by saying, I wish I was creative enough to think of this nifty craft on my own…but I’m totally not! This is someone else’s creative genius craft, but it’s so easy to replicate and sooo fun I had to share my experience making it.
Things you will need:
- Styrofoam Wreath
- Two Mini Styrofoam Balls
- One Styrofoam Cone
- Three Toothpicks
- Black & Yellow Paint
- Brown Yarn
- Red Felt
- Red, Yellow, Orange Tulle
- Paintbrush
- Glue (not pictured)
Start by painting black circles on the styrofoam balls. You guessed it, these will be the eyes! I stuck the toothpicks in them and let them dry on an extra styrofoam cone I had. Paint your styrofoam cone yellow. Set aside and let them dry.
Next, wrap about 1/3 of your wreath in yarn. This is a bit boring but will make a nice little “turkey body”. Make sure to pull tightly and avoid having any white spots visible. This took a while so I plopped myself on the couch and rooted on my favorite “Voice” singers while yarning my wreath.
Now comes the tulle! Tulle is such a versatile fabric and it adds fluff and color to projects on the cheap, but it can quickly become overwhelming if you don’t keep it in check. To cut the tulle into the strips needed, I’ve learned that it is very helpful to wrap the tulle around a book or box and then make one cut that essentially makes lots of little strips!
In the picture above, you’ll see how I wrapped the tulle around a book many times. I made one cut on the left side through all the layers of the fabric. If done correctly, you should have something that looks like this:
It seems like this technique has been used about a billion times but I’ll give you the step by step directions of slip knotting. First, take a tulle strip and fold it in half. This should create a loop on one side. Place the loop on the inner side of the wreath. Second, slip the non-looped portion of the tulle through the loop. This will create a knot. To ensure that your tulle doesn’t loosen up and fall apart, I added and extra loop (just like the first step if you were tying your shoe). I did this about 5 times with the same color before moving on to the next color. Orange, yellow, red, repeat!
We’re almost done! Cut a squiggly piece of red felt to create the turkeys “gobbling” skin! (Is there a scientific name for that turkey skin?) Glue it onto the yellow cone. Stick the toothpicks, with the eyes, into the center of your brown yarned portion of the wreath. Next, stick the yellow cone in front of the eyes.
You’re done! You have an awesome wreath to welcome your friends and family! This is an inexpensive project (especially if you hit up Hobby Lobby on the week when tulle is half off) and it can be done as an evening project. Have fun and Happy Thanksgiving folks!
That wreath makes me smile! Great idea Vanessa, and one I really want to try!