Ages and Stages

Our Rio Grande Valley Moms Blog Contributors write with insight, humor and candor about parenting in all its forms for kids in all ages and stages. 

Do you know what to expect when you're expecting? Of course you do. You read the book. Have you heard about what happens after the baby arrives? Maybe you read the book about that, too. Did your book tell you what you...
Ahhhh….summertime! This magical time of year includes sunny days filled with play that go well into the evening. Bedtimes for kiddos are pushed back considerably and mostly include washing the dirt, bug spray, and sunscreen off, quickly brushing teeth...
August 1-7 is World Breastfeeding Week.  If you visit the WBW link, you'll find lots of information about the benefits of breastfeeding - with a focus on how  "exclusive breastfeeding and adequate appropriate complementary feeding are key interventions for...
  Lots of parents wear the badge of having had "ONE under 1". It is a life-changer and a beautiful blessing. Some of us were lucky enough to also then graduate to having "TWO under 2". This was my family. My...
I’m in a state of disbelief. I walk out of my son’s nursery and stare blankly at nothing and then make eye contact with Robert, my husband, shake my head and exclaim, "" HOW is this happening? Let me back up...
When we were little, my brother and I had a fear of water. If we were in a swimming pool, we would not let go of the wall and stayed near the steps in the shallow end. It’s not like we...
I have to admit that my daughter, for the most part, is a really good eater. One of her favorite foods is broccoli and the girl actually requests to go out for sushi :) Recently though we’ve struggled a bit...
As a mom of three kids, I definitely have had my share of nursing bras to baby bottles. Delivering my first born at the age of 23, right out of college and a year into my first job...
I remember it just like it was yesterday. It was my first ob-gyn appointment after two confirmed, positive pregnancy tests and I was a ball of nerves and parched from the August Austin heat. I had no idea what...
It's Potty Time! You've probably seen the Clorox commercial that starts with the toddler running over to mommy with a proud little scoot. "Mommy, I made poo poo!" Mom then runs to the toilet with a proud smile that slowly...

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In + Around RGV

RGV Guide to Family Fun – November 2024

November is here! Check out the family-friendly events happening throughout the RGV in our RGV Guide to Family Fun - November 2024! We also...