Does this weather not make you want to cuddle up next to those kiddos and eat soup on the couch while watching a Hallmark Movie? My kids always out-vote me and it's usually hot chocolate, soup and The Polar...
This wasn’t exactly a planned post, but when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, right? Or in this case blog about it :) I’m just gonna go with it! There are few things that make you feel less helpless as...
Having Twins?  Here are some suggestions to help you create your registry. To get you started, here is a word of advice based on my experience in creating a registry; Do your homework before you go!  Do some research on...
Welcome back for Part 2 of the snow day posts! Finding my snow guy contact was a beast of an adventure. I knew there had been "snow days" in the Valley so someone was doing it. I was finding...
I'm going to be completely honest with you. I loathe planning birthday parties. Seriously. They're expensive and they require so much planning. I'm not a planner. I am writing this blog post at midnight before it has to go...
It seems like a no-brainer; infants sleep, car seats are safe. Why would you dare wake them from their precious siesta once you’ve arrived at your destination?
So, I’m feeling a little bit like I’m on a first date here…my heart is pounding, my palms are sweating, will you like me and what I have to share??? Well, like in any new relationship the future is...
I know, it's not really summer but this salad is really great year round and I couldn't not share it with you after treating myself to one this evening. This is one of my most favorite salads on the planet!...
  One thing I am most excited about in joining this group of fantastic women and mom bloggers is the common grounds we all have in our experiences AND the drastic differences we have all gone through as well. It...
We are excited about the launch of Rio Grande Valley Moms Blog (RGVMB) and want to extend a warm welcome to all of you.  We cannot wait to share our mishaps insights into motherhood with you. We hope you...

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In + Around RGV

RGV Guide to Family Fun – April 2024

Spring is here, and there are so many opportunities to get outside and make some family memories! Don't forget the solar eclipse on April...

2023 RGV Holiday Guide