In + Around the RGV

We love the RGV! Read some great posts from our Rio Grande Valley Moms Blog Contributors about their favorite things to do in and around the RGV.

As the kids head back to school, some of us find our days much quieter. And, as much as we adore our children, we don’t mind getting a little time on our own to put the house back together...
Pumpkins, pumpkins, everywhere you turn in the RGV! Happy Autumn y’all! Once again, it’s pumpkin patch season. If you are looking to purchase some pumpkins in the RGV or simply just take some fun fall photos of your kids, a...
Why I Don't Honk in the RGV :: Mariana

Why I Don’t Honk in the RGV

As a native and impatient New Yorker, I am no stranger to honking. Since I began driving at 17, my right hand has gained accurate muscle memory for every car horn I have ever encountered. It has learned the...
First of all, did you hear that Kate Middleton is pregnant with number 3? Yay! This morning we gathered for a brand new Coffee Talk. Go grab a cup of coffee, snuggle in to your couch, your car if...
September, already?! Yup! Here's our monthly round-up of family-friendly events around the Rio Grande Valley. Make plans with the kids and get out and play. We've compiled some of our favorite family-friendly events for this month, but surely we've missed...
We love the variety of family fun events around the RGV! Make plans to get out and have some fun with the kids this August with this handy guide!
I have a confession to make...I didn't throw my kids a birthday party this year. Come to think of it, I didn't throw them a party last year either. #momfail
Are you a local mom with something to share? Are you itching to write about funny stories and helpful tips for moms? Are you passionate about motherhood and about building a strong and supportive community of moms? Then read on!...
We've gone off schedule, off the grid, and off the map this summer. But these days are loooong — and a little bit hot, right? So, in the interest of saving you a few Google searches, we've compiled a...
How are you celebrating Independence Day this year? There are celebrations, parades, and firework displays across the Rio Grande Valley this 4th of July weekend 2017! The 4th falls on a Tuesday, but the fun is going to last...

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In + Around RGV

RGV Guide to Family Fun – November 2024

November is here! Check out the family-friendly events happening throughout the RGV in our RGV Guide to Family Fun - November 2024! We also...