Growing up I can remember Halloween being one of my favorite celebrations of the year and it wasn’t because of all the candy! Let’s just be honest, it was because my family was crazy and EVERYONE had fun, not just the kids! So I’ll be sharing some tips on how to involve the WHOLE family this year! Keep reading for some great ideas!
The earliest memory I have was I was in Pre-K and my mom dressed my sister and I up as kitty-cats. I was so embarrassed because she took us to the city park for their costume contest, but WE WON! Our grandparents were there to cheer us on and we got to play at the park afterwards. I also remember going with my Aunt to go watch Scream in theaters, she’s terrified of scary movies, but we had a blast! And just a few years ago we created a mini haunted house in our backyard, it was not scary at all, but just the fear of the unknown had families passing our home. It was a great night of laughs and screams. It even left us with a broken door. An adult got scared that he ran out of the yard and his shirt got caught on the fence and pulled the whole door down with him. He was fine, but the door was not.
I thought I’d share my stories with you to inspire you to let loose and have fun along with your kids. After having kids we focus on their happiness, but it’s okay to join in the fun also. Here are some ideas that involve the whole family and all your trick-or-treating guests!
- Carnival Games, where adults can participate too!
- Decorate as a family! Inside or outside it’s always fun to put your ideas together and then see them through. Check out Rina’s post and make her Halloween Garland!
Dress up the whole family in themed costumes! Pinterest has lots of great ideas.
- Haunted House! Big or small, Haunted Houses are always fun!
- Participate in a Trunk-or-Treat! Decorate your vehicle, here are some pictures we took last year.
- Dress up your pumpkins like Kings & Queens, demand everyone bow before the PumpKings before getting their treat! (See32 no-carve decorating ideas and glitzy pumpkin centerpieces)
- Dig your own grave! Literally (large enough for a lawn chair can fit) and pass out treats from there! Dad would enjoy this one!
- Skip the treats and go watch a scary movie or visit your haunted house on Halloween Night!
- Attend local Halloween Festivals, Events and maybe a Pumpkin Patch! Who doesn’t love FREE FUN!
- Create a Spooky Family Dinner together, checkout our Spaghetti infested with Rats! Get the kids in the kitchen!
Pass out Non-Candy Halloween Options:
If your children want to go trick-or treating, safety first. One thing I always suggest is to not use your vehicle. Find somewhere to park, ask for permission, and then walk the neighborhood together. Now if you will be staying at home passing out candies, put a smile on your face and enjoy the night…. Here are some ideas on what else you can pass out that Spooky Night and still have fun!
- Glow sticks so everyone stays safe, Dance techno in between the rush!
- Bottled water to Moms & Dads so everyone can stay hydrated!
- Juice boxes to the children, sugar-free please!
- Fruit, like apples, carrots and celery that are easily chomped on by the lil’ monsters teeth! (Can be used as a “prize” after playing a quick game)
- Baby snacks! We love little treats like Plum Organics, Annie’s or YummiEarth lollipops (found at Costco)
- School supplies, I know we start running low on pencils and pens around this time of year!
What is your favorite way to have fun as a family on Halloween? Leave a comment below.