Hi friends! My name is Tonya- a Midwestern girl who became a Rio Grande Valley transplant three years ago. I spent seven years as a second grade teacher. After completing my Master's in Reading and Literacy, I became a reading specialist for three years. After moving to south Texas, I became a stay-at-home mom for the first time. I've been married for ten years and we have three kids ages 9, 6, and 2. I love online shopping, Netflix, and running but nothing makes me happier than spending time with my family. Moving to the valley was a huge change but constant sunshine and great Mexican food has made it well worth it!
Any suggestions for an awesome gift, for TAW? I’m torn because she’s a very simple person but I love what she’s done for my daughter.
Norma, tomorrow’s post will have an idea or two 😉
Quick, easy gift idea is providing lunch from their favorite place during the week! Their lunch time is always so short that to have a meal delivered and ready makes any teacher pretty happy!
[…] This week, teachers across the country will hopefully be bombarded with sweet surprises, gift cards and flowers. For one week out of the year our society takes time to celebrate those individuals who have the gift of teaching. Yes it is a gift not a job. And it is a gift that deserves more than just a week of appreciation. […]