In case you didn’t get the memo, Mike and I are expecting baby #2 and I promised I’d keep you up-to-date on the journey. Since I last blogged about baby #2 in January a few things have changed. For one, my belly has really GROWN! Klarissa has also GROWN! She’s such a big girl now; it’s finally hit me that time just passes you by when you’ve got such much going on.
We are now in our third trimester and anticipating meeting our sweet girl. I’m feeling good, I don’t have many cravings, and other than a few kicks here and there and the pain of baby putting pressure on my ribs, this pregnancy has been fantastic! The only thing is, we are not quite ready for her arrival. I’m sure we will be ready closer to the date, but I feel as though preparing for baby #2 is so different from the first time. Of course, it helps that we are having another girl because that means we really don’t have to go out and buy much of anything except pampers and a few newborn clothing items. We’ve got several weeks before the arrival of our baby girl and I’m sure by then we’ll at least have some newborn diapers.
Other than getting bigger and more exhausted these days, our entire family remains busy, busy with work, school, and everyday activities. We experienced the loss of my grandmother last month, which added quite a bit of emotion to my daily world each day. However, we know Grandma is watching over us and praying for us and baby #2. Enjoying life is what we should make a priority on our list so…I’m headed outside to enjoy the afternoon with my sweet girl #1, so that I don’t miss another day of her learning and growing so fast!!
Do you have any stories to share about how preparing for baby #2 was different from baby #1? Any suggestions on what items we might need most? I’d love to hear from you!