We’re rounding out the year with a breakdown of our top posts of 2018. Today, we’re looking at contributor posts that you loved about all things pregnancy, birth and newborns.
These top posts of 2018 bring us all back to the excitement (nay, terror!) of a positive pregnancy test, and carry us through the to rush of adrenaline when the contractions start. Enjoy!
Guest contributor Dr. Kristy Morales, an OB/Gyn with Valley Care Clinics in Edinburg, writes about her own birth experience and gives us all hope that we can make it through childbirth, too!
All the theoretical conversations about how it would be, all the preparations we had made faded into the background and anticipation took over. My husband hurriedly started making calls and tried to decide when he should go back for our bags. We had completely forgotten to grab even the car seat!

Jen writes about the gut-punch that came when she found out she was pregnant with her third…in Wal-mart!
Hello Wal-Mart. I marched straight to the pregnancy tests and grabbed the clearest one possible — the ones that say the words, “pregnant” or “not pregnant” on them. I paid, walked across to the ladies room, and there it was, clear as day: Pregnant

Liz uses the innocence of childhood to write about the hopes and (sometimes) difficulty to growing your family!
I never thought my only child (she’s two, almost three) would be asking for a sibling. Never in a million years. Not so soon, not ever.