We love our Rio Grande Valley Moms Blog contributors, and we want you to get to know them as well! We range from first-time moms to moms of multiples. We stay at home, work at home and work away from the home. Some of us are born and raised in the RGV, and others only just realized how much they love it here!
So sit back with some Abuelita hot chocolate (or your beverage of choice!) and get to know Mariana, a contributor since 2017. You can also follow along today as she takes over our RGVMB Instagram (@rgvmomsblog)!

Q: If you know me at all, you know I like:
A: Negativity. I think we are normal moms, unfortunately, living in an Instagram world that makes us feel bad about not being Insta-worthy. I like when people express failures and negative emotions of all kinds since it can help make others feel less alone in their natural ups and downs.
Q: What’s one pre-baby idea that you had about motherhood that you have since thrown out the window?
A: I always thought I’d be naturally good at parenting: patient, understanding, kind, loving. Everything I had read until then said that mothers love tending to their infants, even at 3 a.m., because they get joy out of helping others. Turns out, what I had read was written either by men or women without kids.
Q: What’s your least favorite household chore?
A: I hate unloading the dishwasher. I would rather dry three rounds of dishes in the regular dishrack than touch the dishwasher. It’s weird, because I know it only takes two minutes. But it’s a mental block.
Q: What one piece of encouragement would you give to first-time moms?
A: You can’t avoid messing up. Try to choose how you will mess up, and more importantly, how you will make amends when you do mess up. This is also true for kids: we may not like their flaws, but they have to have some flaws, so we might as well accept the ones they have instead of trying to change them.
Q: What is one sentence/value/thought that you repeatedly use and hope has lasting power on your kids?
A: Todo el mundo derrama. Lo important es limpar. (everybody spills. The important thing is to clean up.)