As moms, we always do the best we are able for our kids. I am a mom of three amazing little men, and for each of them I was able to nurse, although the experience was different for each child. From just a few months to over a year, they were all breastfeed for a different amount of time. I had struggles with supply, clogged ducts, discomfort. Each child had different preference of bottles, even, to one wanting nothing to do with bottles at all. I had questions, doubts, tears, and turned to friends when I could. For moms who are able to breastfeed but may need support, there are resources for you including our sponsors at Breastmilk Counts.
Breastmilk. Every Ounce Counts.
Visit for more information. For breastfeeding help, call 855-550-MOMS (6667). You may also visit this lactation directory for help near you.
Breastfeeding in public is protected by the law and is 100% okay.
If you are a new mom feeling hesitant or uncomfortable, consider that you are not alone and ultimately what matters is that baby is fed, however you can and whenever and wherever baby happens to be. If baby is hungry, he or she should eat. It can really be done any time and any place, so be confident and know that it is your legal right to breastfeed anywhere you are allowed to be.
You may actually be surprised to know that a lot of nursing moms feed their babies in public and often go completely unnoticed. With a cover, without a cover, on a bench, in a lobby, it’s been done before. Yup! When I was out and about and nursing my kids, I often sought a quiet, private place. Most of the time it was because my son would get so distracted and want to pop up and see what was going on. Even as a baby he had FOMO, but if he was hungry and we were still nursing or didn’t have a bottle, then it was feeding time, wherever we were at the time!
Breastfeeding Benefits for Baby and Mom
Did you know?
- For baby: Breastmilk is the best food for infants and small children. It’s health benefits for baby and mom last a lifetime.
- For mom: Breastfeeding is good for moms. It not only lowers mom’s risk of breast and ovarian cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, but also helps mom burn up to 600 calories a day!
- Breastmilk has hundreds more ingredients than formula that help baby grow and protect him or her from illness.
- Mom’s milk changes over time to meet baby’s needs.
- Breastmilk also makes baby less likely to experience digestive problems like constipation, gassiness, and colic.
- Breastfeeding’s benefits extend over time. Every ounce counts.
WIC is the #1 resource in breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding is not always easy and your local WIC clinic may be able to help! Breastfeeding experts are dedicated to helping Texas mothers have a successful breastfeeding experience with the help of lactation consultants, classes, peer counselors, and a statewide hotline.
To locate a WIC clinic near you or to check your eligibility for the program, call 800-942-3678.