Dear Little Valentine,
I hope you always know just how much I love you. You were conceived with love, born with love and have taught me a whole new meaning of love. You ARE love, my little sweetheart. Your kind words and actions radiate love wherever you go. I dreamt of you before you were born. Weeks before I found out I was pregnant, I had a dream that in fact I was expecting. My dreams told me you were coming.
My heart longed for you years before your existence came about. I had no idea how much you were missing from my life until the day you finally arrived. My dreams even told me you were going to be a little princess, too. From the moment you took your first breath, my heart no longer belonged to me.
My heart goes wherever you go. Where you wander, my heart will follow.
Grow in Kindness, Little Valentine
I hope you know that while it’s important to be strong and independent, it’s most important to grow in kindness. Your kindness will always be something others will remember and cherish. Even in the toddler phase of the “terrible twos,” your kindness is something of which I am most proud. You look out for others, especially the “babies,” as you call them. Of course you do, because you’re such a “big girl.” You always talk to your play dates (mostly cousins) in a sweet and loving voice, and you are quick to share your snacks and toys. You worry when mommy gets an “ouchie” (paper cut). You ask me if I’m happy when you see my face full of anxiety and stress. You give endless hugs and kisses whenever needed. Although you are the sweetest gal I know, you do have your moments of being uncontrollable, feisty and ready for a fight.
Nonetheless you are my little sour patch kid. First and mostly sweet, then a tad bit sour.
Grow in Strength, Little Valentine
I hope you know that you are strong and brave. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that you are not strong enough. You have strength written all over you — but most importantly, it is within you. You encounter new experiences with a fearless attitude. You are constantly impressing the doctors with how brave you are when you sit quietly and patiently as they examine you. While we hear screams, yells and cries from the patient room next door, you voice your concerns to the doctor without hesitation. You’ve also learned to take pricks and pokes like a champ. You can conquer anything you set your mind to, my girl.
Your strength will carry you through the hard times that you will face in the future, remember that. You. Are. Strong. Enough.
Grow in Independence, Little Valentine
I hope you know that your independence will take you far. There will be times when being independent will be your only choice, and that choice will get you through the hardest times of your life. Please don’t shut people out, but know that being alone is not the end of the world. Alone time is healthy and much needed, when you’re older. Much, much older. Not now, please. I can see how independent you are when you try to conquer daily tasks. You sometimes even say “I don’t need help mommy, I can do it!” Can’t you just need me a little more? Can you stop growing and stay this little for a little while longer? I need you to need me, ok?
I confess that I am the one with issues when it comes to being alone — to being without you.
Believe in Yourself, Little Valentine
I hope you believe in yourself as much as I believe in you. In your short two years, you have managed to surprise me with how much you’ve grown and learned. Your memory is by far better than mine. You can recall events and things that happened months ago. I can’t even remember what I wore yesterday. You are definitely a little sponge, absorbing all the knowledge and skills in your surroundings. Your independence has won you two beauty queen crowns. You are definitely a tiny toddler queen as you strut, or actually stomp, on the stage and show off our extra cheese face to the audience and judges. You wave, you twirl and you blow kisses. Granted I am following close behind, watching your every move, but your charisma is all you, baby girl.
I believe in you little one. I believe you are going to be something great, whatever you decide to pursue.
To my Sweet Little Valentine, roses are red, violets are blue, God surely knows you are my dream come true.
XOXO – Mom