Valentine’s Day is tomorrow! Do you have your plans made already? Take a minute and catch up with our Rio Grande Valley Moms Blog contributors to see their favorite date night spots and Valentine’s Day activities.

What is your resolution this year?
To simplify my life
What are you most looking forward to in 2018?
Helping my daughter navigate choosing the best middle school this Spring, then transitioning to that school and everything it has to offer in the Fall
What is your favorite date night spot?
I actually love day dates to the movies followed by an early dinner or preceded by lunch. It’s the best and we’re usually the only ones out together and get excellent service wherever we go! I love the Pharr Cinema since we can reserve the seats ahead of time and, depending on the day, order a coffee or a margarita. My second favorite spot would have in the living room with snacks, Netflix, and wireless headphones (we have two pairs) for a date on any given night while the kids are sleeping.

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
1- We watch It’s a Wonderful Life every year on Christmas Eve.
2- Matching Christmas PJs every year
3- We watch a lot of Christmas movies throughout the month of December and drink lots of hot cocoa!
4- We pick one day on Christmas break and watch a movie that has at least three in the series! Like The Chronicles of Narnia, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, etc. We literally watch all day and have lots of snacks and hang out in our PJs!
What do you want for Christmas this year?
Instant Pot
What are your Valentine’s Day plans?
We usually avoid the crowd (and trying to find a babysitter) for Valentine’s and stay home with the kids. I get out our “nice” dishes, we grill steaks and enjoy a meal together. My kids’ favorite part is the chocolate-covered strawberries at the end!
What is your resolution this year?
Don’t go to bed until the sink is clean! I need to fine tune my cleaning routine.
What are you most looking forward to in 2018?
I’m looking forward to enjoying quality time with my baby boy who just turned a year old!
What are your Valentine’s Day plans?
The hubby and I like to keep our Valentine’s tradition alive by ordering pizza, making s’mores & eating chocolate-covered strawberries. Last year we broke out the champagne. That’s how we spent our first Valentine’s Day as a couple.
What is your ideal date night?
Happy Hour & Target shopping spree!
Can you share a tip to involve kids in Valentines or Date Night plans?
Partner up with someone who has kids. Flip a coin to see which couple has to stay home with the kids for Friday night, then switch for Saturday night. That way the parents get a date night & the kids can play together. Plus I think it would be fun to get the kids together to make cute Valentine’s crafts for their parents when they return.
What is your favorite date night spot?
My husband and I LOVE SALT – New American Table. We like to go early (6ish) and during the week. Their happy hour drinks are delicious and they do NOT skimp on the “happy” part of the drink. Some of the best dates we have ever had have been during the week, especially on a Monday. We enjoy the less-crowded atmosphere and don’t feel rushed at all. It even almost feels like we are playing hooky from the week and it’s responsibilities. Plus, it gives us something to look forward to on the dreaded Sundays where we are mentally preparing for the week and it’s curveballs. Depending on the sitter situation, we might even end the date with a romantic stroll through Target to pickup toilet paper and toothpaste. #marriedlifelove
What is your favorite date night spot?
We usually go to Cinemark Bistro when we get a chance to ourselves. It works because we can eat dinner and watch a movie and still not be away from our little one too long. I like it because its like killing two birds with one stone.
What are your Valentine’s Day plans?
I plan to celebrate Valentine’s Day at home with my love and our daughter. Hopefully, we’ll enjoy some takeout — because I really don’t want to cook — and eat some ice cream for dessert.

What is your resolution this year?
I hope to reverse the hypothyroid diagnosis I received three weeks ago.
What are you most looking forward to in 2018?
I am looking forward to traveling and vacation time with my family!

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
Listening to Christmas songs while decorating the tree
What holiday food will you ALWAYS eat?
All the sweets that abound at Christmas
What do you want for Christmas this year?
No gift in particular, but I’m looking forward to time with family

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
Decorating the tree
What holiday food will you ALWAYS eat?
Something with mint in it
What do you want for Christmas this year?
For my 5-year-old to read to me

What is your resolution this year?
To spend more quality time with my daughters
What are you most looking forward to in 2018?
I’m looking forward to having a year of understanding and peace.

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
Advent wreath and candles
What holiday food will you ALWAYS eat?
Tamales and pozole

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
We celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah, so I love decorating the Christmas tree together with my family, and I love lighting the candles for the 8 nights of Hanukkah with my kiddos.
What holiday food will you ALWAYS eat?
Molasses cookies – I make them every Christmas
What do you want for Christmas this year?
We moved in May and are very slowly decorating. I’d like some bar stools for our kitchen island so I don’t have to keep telling my kids to get away from the fridge and the stove. They want to be involved, but they need a place to call their own.

What holiday tradition will you NEVER skip?
Popping fireworks and breaking a piñata
What holiday food will you ALWAYS eat?
What do you want for Christmas this year?
My house decluttered and clean! Seriously. That’s it. I don’t want or need anything else.

What is your resolution this year?
Finish unpacking, empty our storage units, and finish making our new house a home… preferably before 2019.
What are you most looking forward to in 2018?
Less chaos, more stability, more schedules and more organization.
Bring it 2018!