It’s giveaway time and we have two copies of Alison Wong’s new book, New Mom Comics The First Year!
Two lucky readers will be picked Monday night to receive this awesome gift.
Read more about New Mom Comics in our gift list of 7 unique ideas for mom!
1. New Mom Comics
How about some comic relief?
I have three kids now, and reading Alison’s New Mom Comics brings me back to those early days of discovering life as a new mom with such joy and humor. They are so spot on. Honest. And so funny. Like I-sit-here-reading-it-and-laugh-out-loud-to-myself-on-every-page funny.
Get one for a new mom friend.
Or for yourself.
Or get a five pack (the fifth one is free)!
Use code for free shipping on orders placed by Dec. 16th: SANTABABY