Three Babies, One Gladiator


imageThe lion roars as I entered the arena pulling my sword out ready to battle. Am I reminiscing back to Roman days? Sort of. Kinda of and waking up to three girls, my three babies, under the age of 5 sure does feel like, “Ok, let’s get this battle started!”

Is it gonna be a bloody one?? Mmm no, not really unless ones falls and cuts her forehand wide open. (Yes, that’s happened) When I compare my day to the fighting gladiator it’s not the gruesome, slash killing fight but rather the brave, fearless, longing to live kind of fight.

My day starts in the middle of the night with a 5oz Nutramigen bottle to my littlest and the fight has started. The fight to make sure she finishes the whole bottle so that mommy can go to sleep as soon as she does, or hope to. Hope to? Yes, because we all know that blank stare they give after feeding like saying, “Mommy, I just want to look at you for the next hour… just because.”

So then eventually the other two wake up for breakfast and the second battle begins. Who will eat their whole breakfast without spilling, crying, or complaining ? Oh and in between I’m drinking my coffee and biting on my egg and cheese taco, if I’m lucky. As the day unfolds the battles keep coming. From taking turns watching t.v. (Ellen time is my time), sharing toys, who will give the dog the snack, dinner time, all while hoping for no spilling, crying or complaining again.

Then around 5 o’clock in the afternoon I feel as though I’m ready to give in, to give the lion my head ! Newborn hasn’t napped, two-year-old missed her nap time and four-year-old wants to listen to “Let It Go” for the 100th time, but her Nabi Jr. is dead. We sing the “Clean It Up Song”, bathe and we are all ready to go to bed….ahh! I lived through the fight!

So who’s the lion that I’m fighting through the day, everyday? It’s my own fear, the fear of letting my girls down from the moment I wake up to the last minute I see their face for the day.

With fear comes thoughts like “Will they like and eat my food today?” or “Will I have to explain why Ellen talks about a man called Caitlyn?”. But guess what? In between those fights are hugs, kisses, giggles and words that don’t make sense but crack me up all the time. So today I’ve won in the arena and Romans are proclaiming my name and tomorrow will be a different day, a different fear but the same love and this gladiator wouldn’t trade it for a thing.


  1. […] Oh, my! Parenting is by far the hardest thing to do in this world! Literally! If the lady at HEB isn’t staring you down because of your crying child, the one next to her is judging you because you look so young and have so many of them! Well, at least for me, three is more than enough. […]


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