1. Boo boos are an everyday staple, for everyone.
You have unexplained bruises on your arms, legs, torso. Boys love to play, and climb, and play and climb on mommy. Like the day one son ran into a door frame, one brother fell off his bike, and his other brother rolled right off the top of the couch while “balancing”. Or the time the oldest bumped heads running around a corner in opposite directions. Or the time I was writing this post and my son just walked over to say, “Ow, I hurt myself.” He’s back to playing again now.

2. Pee pee is literally everywhere.
Your bathroom always smells like pee. Pee. Everywhere. All over the toilet and often the walls, too.
Remember that time you walked in to check on your peeing toddler and his stream was meandering into the waste basket?
Pee in a parking lot. Pee in a bush. Pee on a tree in the park. Pee in the middle of backyard play. Boys can literally pee anywhere, and they’re usually quick enough to do it before you even realize what is happening. (Remember the post about potty training tips and dragging my feet with number two?)
3. Upward bound, they are.
Climbing. They’re going to do it so you might as well promote safety. Chairs, tables, the bed, kitchen counters, the piano. It may be a good idea to watch this post on anchoring furniture if you are a mom of boys.
4. You live in a house of superheroes.
Superhero to the rescue! Your kids would rather keep their superhero jammies on than get dressed in “regular clothes” for the day. And you let them.
Son: “No, mama. I want to wear the Batman jammies.”
Mama: “But you wore those yesterday. They’re dirty.”
Son: “But I want to wear the Batman underwear.”
Mama: “But you wore those already and I haven’t washed them yet.”
5. So much unnecessary roughness.
After lots of playtime laughter there is the inevitable THUMP, SWAT, or BOOM, then tears, followed by more laughter. They like to play rough. Can you find the bandaid in this picture?
6. Wardrobe compatibility is never an issue.
None of your kid’s clothes and ALL of your kid’s clothes match. Forget accessories. Grab it and go, and it always works. Oh, and you can literally get by with ONE pair of shoes. They will match every outfit. Enough.
7. They rebound quickly.
Your kid falls of the back of the couch, cries for ten seconds, then pulls away from your hug and says, “Look mama, watch what I can do!” Repeat.
8. You could really dress them in superhero shirts, shoes, and socks every day.
…without doing laundry or any objection from them. Don’t lose that cape either! They’ll know.
9. Dirt, trucks, dirt, shovels, dirt, hands, dirt.
My boys love to get dirty, especially when it involves the fleet of excavators, dump trucks, and backhoes left for play in the backyard.
[…] room decorated and looking like it should be in a magazine the reality is my interior designers are two little boys named Ryan and Chase and well their idea of decorating usually involves Legos and Transformers. So […]