I want to share an alternative to the usual Thanksgiving pumpkin pie. It still has pumpkin in it, you just don’t have to bake it AND it has cool whip in it! Yum! Here are the ingredients you will need:
- 1 8oz pkg. Philadelphia Cream Cheese softened
- 1 cup plus 2 Tbsp. cold half and half (you can use milk if you don’t have half and half)
- 1 can (16 0z) pumpkin
- 5 cups thawed Cool Whip topping
- 1 Graham Cracker Pie Crust
- 2 pkgs Vanilla Flavor Instant Pudding
- 2 Tbsp. sugar
- 1/4 tsp. cloves
- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp. ginger
- a little pumpkin spice for garnish (optional)
I forgot to add the crust in the first photo.
First, mix the cream cheese, 2 tbs of half and half, and 2 tbs of sugar very well.
Next, fold in 3 cups of cool whip topping and mix it up.
Add some dallops of the mixture onto the crust.
Spread it all around. Make a thick layer.
I didn’t photograph this next step, but pour 1 cup of half and half into a large mixing bowl and add both packs of your vanilla pudding mix. Beat with a wire whisk until blended for about 1 minute. (If you use a mixer it will get super lumpy). After letting it stand for about 2-3 minutes, stir in the pumpkin and spices into the pudding and mix well.
Ok, now add a big dallop of the pumpkin mix on top of the first layer.
Spread it but be careful that it doesn’t mix with the fist layer.
Lastly, top with 2 cups of cool whip. Spread it around evenly, and sprinkle some pumpkin pie spice all over to make it look all pretty. Freeze it for at least 1 hour. It won’t be too hard to cut.