Curious as to what a mixture of social grace, compassion, and rowdy all combined look like?! Look no further, because that is what you will witness when you spend a little time with Celeste.
She prides herself for being an optimistic realist, and notes that her greatest lesson in life (thus far) is that good comes of all life experiences – the good and the bad ones! “My greatest lesson came from one of my most trying periods in my life. And oddly enough, I wouldn’t change it one bit – because I am who I am and where I am today, because of it all,” she comments.
Her greatest joys are her ever-growing 7 year old son (whom is CRAZY about all things Spider-Man these days), Kaindan, and her “imperfectly perfectly” (<– as she describes him) fiance, Michael – whom she almost didn’t date because he is younger. Good thing she gave him a shot, because he turned out to be “the one”. They just recently got engaged in January at the beautiful Coopers Rock State Forest in West Virginia.
Kaindan never ceases to wow her and entertain her – as he inherited her playful demeanor; which she is thankful for … because, as she puts it herself, “his joyful silliness melts away a day’s worth of chaos.”
One trait she hopes he did NOT inherit from her is her tendency to procrastinate. Although she strangely thrives on procrastination,…it does pose issues and adds unnecessary stress. She quickly redeems herself without skipping a beat by noting that one of her greatest assets “…is my ability to put myself in other’s shoes and be understanding to their perceptions.” One thing she cannot understand; however, is why her son continues to chew with his mouth open, like a cow – one of her greatest pet-peeves!
All pet-peeving aside, she absolutely adores her little monster. And insists her greatest endeavor in life will be to bring him up to be the best version of himself possible! … Today, they strive for the best soccer player (as that is what he currently wants to be when he grows up). But who knows what he will want to be tomorrow – and she accepts the challenge with open arms, as she is all-too-familiar with the ever-changing mind. As she should know personally … she grew up wanting to be a forensic pathologist herself. And changed her mind, and her college major multiple times.
She lacks a degree due to her indecisive manner,…but explains that that is one thing she is okay living without (although it IS on her bucket list). Three things she is NOT willing to live without and must have are:
1) A camera. She absolutely loves captioning life’s candid moments.
2) Her Polar Loop. Even though she doesn’t always reach her Activity Goal or Step Count.
3) Her family. Because life is just so much more beautiful and meaningful when you are surrounded by the people you love.
And when you cannot find her, that is exactly where she will be … with her family, taking in every last drop of “this beautiful bliss of chaos called life!”