We are in a deep freeze. I mean, it’s sweltering outside but ever since the DVD release of Frozen we are experiencing our own polar vortex of sorts. Nobody is immune. We are singing in line at the grocery store, we are singing in the exam room while waiting for the Dr. (great acoustics) and I am asking myself if I want to build a snowman before my coffee-less brain even has time to register its first, complete, waking thought. We want ice powers bad, if only to icily suspend the flurry of demands for Frozen merchandise and hairstyles. However, this isn’t another lament on how Frozen has taken over our lives but rather, an ode to Olaf and all the characters that have given way to some remarkable changes in our home and left me with a deeper appreciation for a fleeting time in our kids’ lives. It is the first time all three of our kids have felt so compelled to love something so much that it makes them want to break out in song, eyes shut, head tilted back, anywhere and at any time. I’ve resolved to embrace these changes rather than let them go and wishing our kids would just move onto the next big thing. Frozen has definitely brought about plenty of moments that have given me the warm fuzzies.
Our daughters are six and our son is four. They have all had their fair share of favorite things, cartoon characters, books, and songs that must be played or sung over and over. Naturally, their interests have always been different because our girls have distinct personalities and our son is on a totally different spectrum. Nothing has captivated all three like this movie has. All of sudden, they are on the same page, they are getting along; and they are speaking the same language no matter the differences their genders bring about. It is awesome and quiet when they are all engaged in a movie viewing. Oh, and what they will all do to be able to watch it again. It lulls them into a spell of teamwork and improved attitudes. Ice powers for mommy and daddy indeed. I love to see our three agreeing on something, anything, that doesn’t involve sugar. It is the frosting on the cake when they agree on something and all feel included in that agreement.
Our daughters are six. I have noticed a shift in their interests to things that are cool and things that are a little bit of a departure from our days on Sesame Street. Like any parent, I worry about the outside influences that come in to play in these new-found interests. Yet, because this movie is EVERYWHERE I can rest assured that our girls are still having Frozen conversations. Just the other day one of our girls asked a new park playground friend if she had heard of Frozen. Of course she had, and off they went to play and talk with no introductions needed and with such a sense of self-assuredness of course she would be Anna to her Elsa. I’d love to be able to hold on to that innocent point of Disney reference forever.
Our son is four. He is not a girl or a twin. These facts have at times upped the ante on the sibling rivalry in our house. Games where boys are not allowed were all the rage until Frozen. This movie has incited all kinds of imaginary play. We pretend we have ice powers. We re-enact movie scenes. We like to act out alternate endings. Nothing gives me the warmest feeling than knowing they are all playing together and making it a point to include the odd man out. So, when they are told to go play upstairs, I love hearing the rumble of feet ascending as my son yells out, “I’ll be Kristoff!!” The sibling rivalry has died down a bit since and I am so grateful for that. I’d even be Sven for that.
I am 36. I still love a great Disney flick. The story in Frozen is simple and sweet and it has some seriously catchy songs. I want to always have a meaningful enthusiasm for all things my kids bring to the table so, we always have talking points. I want them to always be able to feel they can talk to me about things that are important to them as I did with my mom. Yes, I have enjoyed slipping out of the room while the movie is on to do other things or watch some regular TV. Frozen has afforded me uninterrupted conversations with my husband, the ability to cook a meal without too many “helpers”, and the ability use the bathroom without being asked a single question. These are all luxuries to which I credit this cute little film. However, I do make it a point to come in and watch my favorite parts and sing along in the hopes that they know their likes are my likes, too. We’ve made countless snowflakes and I’ve attempted making “the braid” on extra fine, straight, hair. I always want them to know that I am interested in who they are and what they like, so whether I am 46, 56, or 66 they will each know they can talk to me or their father about anything. I wish I could keep all the conversations we’ve had about this film. They’ve asked many questions that are light and are of their understanding of the world as they know it. Those conversations are a reminder of how uncomplicated these times are and how they do go by so very quickly.
I’m holding on, I’m giving in a little, and I’m weathering our Frozen state by embracing the changes and by truly appreciating a time in our kiddos lives that will probably be gone before I know it. So, I’ll ask Hubby to put in the DVD one more time, I’ll sing with my best show tune vibrato, our girls will take the choruses and our son will hit all the high notes while he still can. I’ll hold on to it all, and keep it until we welcome the new phase of favorite things.
How do you weather your child’s/ children’s’ favorite thing phase? Is there anything that has been on repeat in your household lately?
Enjoyed the “peek” into your family life. I have yet to watch “Frozen” but am very aware of it since it is indeed “everywhere.” I will be thinking of your kiddos when I do get to see it. Very proud of you, Sofie. You have a great writing style. Can’t wait for your next installment.