Born and raised in the Rio Grande Valley, Tammie grew up in the small town of McCook. A country girl at heart, she now lives in McAllen with her husband, Justin, and their two children, Ella and Ben. She works full time at a local insurance agency but her favorite job is being mommy to her 5 year old daughter and almost 3 year old son.
1. What was your idea of a good time when you were 21? What is your idea of a good time now?
At 21 my idea of a good time was going out with my friends and two-stepping. Now days I still enjoy time with our friends but it usually includes back yard bbqs with our kids and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
2. How many kids do you have? How many do you want?
We have two kids. I always wanted 4 but we are stopping at 2. 🙂
3. What trait (physical or personality) do you hope your children inherited from their father?
I hope that they inherited Justin’s sense of humor and organization skills.
4. What trait (physical or personality) are you glad your children inherited from you?
It’s probably too soon to tell, because they are so young, but I hope that they both inherited my compassion for others. I learned from watching my parents and I hope I can show that to them as well.
5. How many siblings do you have?
I have three younger sisters.
6. Who are your heroes?
My parents. They were always there for my sisters and I growing up and supported us. We learned so much from watching them, whether they knew it or not.
7. Describe your ideal day.
My ideal day would be near any body of water with all my family with me.