1. What are 3 of your must-haves?
1- Lip balm! I love how moisturized it makes my lips feel without being sticky (not a fan of lipstick). The Honest Company makes really nice ones and so does Nivea 🙂
2- Coffee – preferably a Planet Carmel over ice from my fave hang out MoonBeans! Love the people and I love the coffee – ‘nuff said 😉
3- My smart phone. It has everything I need from internet, camera, contacts, e-mail and of course the ability to communicate via phone or text 😉 Seriously, what did we do before smart phones?
2. What is your pet peeve?
Having an unmade bed! I have to make the bed otherwise I feel like I’m getting into a dirty bed at night 😉 Oh, and people who are rude. “Please” and “Thank you” never killed anyone.
3. What trait (physical or personality) do you hope your child inherited from their father?
Well, we already knew from her days in the womb that she inherited her daddy’s long legs, but I hope our daughter is a smart risk-taker, like him too (notice I said “smart”). He has the best attitude towards pursuing an interest. He figures out a way to make it happen and if it pans out – excellent, and if it doesn’t, well at least he tried his best and is never left wondering “what if”. Also, he’s incredibly creative, especially when it comes to music so I hope that she inherits that trait too 😉
4. What trait (physical or personality) are you secretly glad your child inherited from you?
My hair color! I know that sounds bizarre, but my mom and I have the same strawberry blonde hair and I had always hoped that if I ever had a daughter that she would inherit that trait too, which luckily she did 🙂 I hope that she will also be open-minded and accepting of new places, people, food, thoughts, and things.
5. What did you want to be growing up?
It’s a long list…a princess, a singer, a doctor, an actress, a translator for the U.N., a teacher, a journalist, and a writer (working on that one) ;)…but one thing was ALWAYS certain, I wanted to be a mommy!
6. What was your idea of a good time when you were 21? What is your idea of a good time now?
My idea of a good time when I was 21 was hanging out with my sorority sisters at happy hour or going to a fraternity party.
Now, my idea of a good time is dinner and drinks with friends (including the kids), listening to music, followed by snuggling up in bed with a really good book and some tea 😉
7. “One look at me and you’d never guess that I…”
Use to have a nose ring! What can I say, it was the 90s, I was into grunge and played in a band…but mostly I just thought it was cute 😉 I’ve noticed them making a come back lately.