I’m pregnant!
Ask me any day HOW pregnant I am and my response will sound a little something like this:
First pregnancy: “I’ll be 16 weeks on Sunday, which means that today I’m 15 weeks and 4 days pregnant! My baby is the size of an avocado!” (insert other factoids about that week of pregnancy and the status of my nursery planning)
Second pregnancy: “I’m about 5 months now, 21 or 22 weeks, and he’s been moving a lot these days!”
Third pregnancy: “I’m due July 5th. That means… I’ve got about three months to go!”
This is true, I’m about three months away from the arrival of my third child (and third son). His due date is July 5th, but I know not to count on that to be his birth day. Counting weeks is something I was adamant about before but have been a little more relaxed about this time around. It’s a little ironic since one of my Etsy shops specializes in weekly stickers for pregnant moms (see that sticker on my belly!)!
I can feel him moving, I can tell that he’s growing (and I with him), and I know that when he arrives we will be ready.
12 Weeks and Counting
Baby three is almost here. He is also months away. With 12 weeks remaining, approximately, my nesting phase has taken over. The list has been sitting in my head for a while but has finally decided to jump out and get to work.
Here’s the plan.
Step 1: Sort all clothes. Group by sizes. Store anything too small for boy 1 and boy 2 (ages 2.5 and 1, respectively). SEE RESULTS BELOW
Step 2: Introduce co-sleeping to my sons. Time to start sharing a room, boys. (They play mainly in one anyway!)
Step 3: Prepare the soon-to-be vacant bedroom to be the nursery.
Step 4: Figure out how to safely fit three car seats in my vehicle.
Step 5: Clean and sanitize baby things – clothes, breast pump, crib, etc.
Step 6: Exercise and eat healthy.
Step 7: Pack a bag for the hospital.
Step 8: Delivery, etc. – Preregister at hospital, Enlist help from grandparents to watch the boys and feed the dog, Get the camera ready, Check the Full Moon calendar
Step 9: Figure out what other steps have not been included yet, hopefully before July 5th, or July 4th, or June 27th.
What else is there to do? (I kid.) Honestly, I’m not worried, yet. Most of my energy goes in to parenting my boys, filling client orders, designing and working from home, and caring for my family as a whole (all FOUR boys – daddy, boy 1, boy 2, and boy 3).
My family is excited about the new arrival, and preparing is only the beginning of the fun we have in store!
Earlier this week, I tacked Step 1: Sort all clothes. Group by sizes. Store anything too small for boy 1 and boy 2 (ages 2.5 and 1, respectively).
The Result?
1. Bags of sorted clothes, grouped by size. Using clear bags with zippers was a great choice, because I can see everything inside! These were all saved toy bags, bedding bags, and other miscellaneous purchases.
2. A neater, more organized closet with LOTS of spare room to grow in to. Too bad I forgot to take a BEFORE picture!
Ha! I had the same difference from 1st to 2nd to 3rd pregnancy. The most glaring example was that my first baby had a nursery – painted pretty colors, matching bedding, etc. By the time we got to number three, there was no nursery – and he slept happily in a pack and play in my closet for almost a year. Now the boys share a room, and we have plans to fix it up this summer. 🙂 I think you did a great job with organizing clothes and closet – that will make a big difference in a few months.