Be Our Guest!


Be our guest! Be our guest!
Get your stories off your chest.
Hurry up and don’t delay!
Pick your topic, pick your day.
Oh go on! Be our guest!
May we suggest:
Write about food, write about soup,
You can even write about poop!
Some moms feel alone, some feel scared,
You’re experiences will help them feel prepared.
If your post is gloomy or complaining,
Just make sure it’s entertaining.
Do tell jokes! Do share tricks,
How you get your kids to eat their carrot sticks.
So long as it’s all in perfect taste,
Tell us how to slim our waist.
Being a mom, is really hard work,
so yes we’re stressed
even though we’re blessed.
Yeah, come on and lift your glass,
You’ve just won your own free pass;
To be out guest, Be our guest.
written by Vannessa Eggleston

Are you a local mom with something to say? A funny story to share, a local resource* to rave about, or just some valuable Mommy experience? We welcome submissions for guest posts!

{Note: We do NOT accept “guest post” marketing pitches from copywriters looking to exchange content for links, from writers affiliated with other sites or businesses, or from non-Rio Grande Valley-area writers. Due to a large increase in these kind of guest post pitches, we are unable to respond to your pitch unless you follow the guidelines below exactly.}

To be considered for a guest post, send an email to [email protected] with the following information:

  • Your name, kids’ ages, area of the Valley where you live
  • Your post idea summarized in 2-3 sentences
  • At least two (2) writing samples – links to your personal blog count, but please link to specific posts (those that show off your writing chops) rather than the home page
  • OR, you may submit a complete, original blog post (writing samples not required if submitting a completed piece). You can download our complete Guest Blogger Guidelines here. Please follow the guidelines carefully if submitting a completed piece; it will increase your chances of getting published. :)

We will respond to all pitches that follow the above guidelines within two weeks. Pitches that do not follow the above or that do not align with our blog’s brand and content philosophy will not get a response.

* If you are a local business owner and want to reach our audience, we’d love to talk to you about advertising options. We ask that guest bloggers refrain from writing about businesses with which they have a financial affiliation.

**If you know me you know I love puns and I love rhymes and yes, I came up with this little diddy just for this post. It’s to be sung to the tune of the song in Beauty and the Beast, “Be Our Guest”.


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