Vannessa Eggleston
Start a Local Moms Blog in Your City
So many people have inquired about how we got started with this blog. How did our passion and dream for Rio Grande Valley Moms Blog turn into what it is today? Let me tell...
Real boys wear pink (for Breast Cancer Awareness)
My First grader has a spunky personality. If you didn't know him, you might not know that. It's always a battle to get him to cooperate and wear school spirit shirts and pajamas on...
Keeping your children safe when sharing their photos on social networking sites
My kids love to play with my phone. I worry a lot about them posting silly unreadable stuff to social networking sites, deleting images or emails and taking video and photos of me at...
The Last Time
We sold our house. We handed over the keys yesterday. As I stood at my front door locking it up for the last time, I was overwhelmed by how exhausting this move was.
I know....
Shhh! It’s our Secret: Mystery Shopping {Sponsored}
I remember making the choice to leave my job as a teacher to stay home with my little ones. I didn't know how we would make ends meet but I was confident that I...
You know how there are girls that want to be teachers or doctors, or princesses? Well, I wanted to be a Mommy.
I married my high school sweetheart just after college and we thought the...
This too shall pass.
Those words give me comfort every night when I am up nursing my 5 month old.
They brought me comfort with all my babies. I eagerly awaited the six week mark when they started sleeping...
It Takes A Village
I'll be honest with you. Life with 3 kids is easy. It's easier than it was with just one.
But before you hurl that mouse at me, just listen. People ask me all the time...
Be Our Guest!
Be our guest! Be our guest!
Get your stories off your chest.
Hurry up and don't delay!
Pick your topic, pick your day.
Oh go on! Be our guest!
May we suggest:
Write about...
Preparing your house to sell
We finally decided to put our house on the market. It was a long time coming. We built our home 7 years ago when there were no kids to fill these rooms. It was...