School is back (or almost back) in session, and that means it’s a bittersweet end to the summer.
There is so much hustle and bustle around the beginning of school, but it’s also a great time to make some lasting memories with your kids. Catch up with our Rio Grande Valley Moms Blog contributors to hear about their own back to school traditions!
The latest episode of City Moms Blog Network Just Add Sprinkles podcast is a great resource for some back to school tips. Read on to hear more from our writers.

What is your family tradition for back to school season?
Growing up, we always picked out our first day outfits way in advance and couldn’t use a single piece until that morning – clothes, shoes, socks, everything. My mom was also a teacher, so we took a picture together outside on the patio before heading to school (no signs back then!) and had a big breakfast, usually spaghetti. Now with my kids we do the same thing (minus the spaghetti, for now)!
What is your family tradition for back to school season?
The first weekend after school starts we do NOTHING! My husband is a teacher and we have two in school all day this year. We learned the hard way that everyone’s exhausted after that first week. So I purposely don’t plan anything, and we just eat pizza and watch movies.
What is your family tradition for back to school season?
Not sure if we have any family traditions, but we definitely do the usual: make sure all of my son’s uniforms and school school supplies are ready to go. He and my hubby get matching hair cuts and we check our routes to school and back home to make sure there are no road closures. I know, boring! Oh, and we take a First Day of School picture too!
What is your family tradition for back to school season?
We take pictures on the first day of school, read countless books about going back to school and enjoy summers of un-schooling (where the children each seriously pursue and research whatever their littles hearts desire).
What is your family tradition for back to school season?
My oldest will have his first year of school this year, so we haven’t established any back to school traditions as of yet. These are all some great ideas to try!!
What is your family tradition for back to school season?
We spend the weekends out enjoying time together and having mommy-daughter back-to-school shopping trips. I look forward to seeing my daughter beginning a new grade and achieving new goals. It’s amazing how much she learns.
What is your family tradition for back to school season?
It’s my son’s first year of school this year and although he’s been in day care since he was one, I’m probably still going to cry my eyes out after I drop him off. I’m going to take the morning off from work and probably eat breakfast with him at school (unless they kick me out). I’ll definitely take a first-day-of-school picture!
What is your family tradition for back to school season?
This year is my son’s second year in school. The one thing I distinctly remember doing at the the end of his first day was taking him to a cupcake shop to celebrate. We’ll be planning a stop this year, for sure. Something sweet that I hope he remembers!