Do you ever feel like you’re becoming your mother? Maybe it’s your go-to sayings or the way you cut a sandwich. Maybe it’s your mom style or how you react in a crisis situation. It’s hard to really appreciate all that moms do until you become one yourself. For Mother’s Day 2018, our Rio Grande Valley Moms Blog contributors wanted to offer a tribute to those that we lovingly call “mom.”

Now that you are a mom, what do you most admire about your mother?
My mother always gives everything her full heart and overabundance of energy. This was true with raising me and my brother, travel plans on every trip we took, her passion for teaching, and her extreme volunteerism. My mother is an amazing cook, baker, you name it. She can throw a dinner together for 2 or 20 with so much grace. She gives so much of herself for others and I truly admire and appreciate this about her.
How are you turning into your mom, in a good way?
I love to bake, and that is all thanks to my mom and her mom. I find so much joy in the process but then of course in enjoying the spoils afterwards, too. This is something that I share with my kids and they help right along with me as I did with my mom. Family dinner was always important growing up and I’ve made it important in my home, too. It’s a special time to sit together, talk about our days, and connect with each other. Love you, Mom!
Now that you are a mom, what do you most admire about your mother?
I most admire my mom’s determination to do whatever she needed to in order to take care of us (myself and my twin brother). When we were babies, that meant breastfeeding us both and using cloth diapers. It middle school, it meant leading Girl Scouts and going on hiking trips with our church. In high school, it meant attending a LOT of ball games on multiple nights as week.
How are you turning into your mom, in a good way?
I can see myself turning into my mom in the way I prepare food for our family. We lived 20 minutes from town, so the grocery store was a once-a-week outing. No matter what, my mom could always seem to make a great meal out of whatever it was she had in the kitchen. It’s taken me more than a few years, but I’m getting better at stocking the pantry and learning substitutions that don’t take away from a great meal. Thanks, Mom!
Now that you are a mom, what do you most admire about your mother?
She was always so loving through every situation. Sure, she disciplined us and was stern when necessary, but she was always loving. When I’m frustrated, exhausted, or just upset with something involving my son, I often think what would Linda do?
How are you turning into your mom, in a good way?
My mom would always bless us as we left the house. I’m talking holy water sprinkled on us as we scurried out the door. I don’t break out the holy water, but I bless and pray over my son every single day before we send him to school. She also stressed the importance of attending church and prayer. I didn’t understand it all then, but now I am trying to teach my son the same things. I sound just like my mom when I’m explaining to him why we pray and go to church!
Now that you are a mom, what do you most admire about your mother?
I admire my mother’s ability to see the good in everyone. She is very optimistic and always tries to radiate positivity into any situation. She is such a kind and loving person, just being around her makes my day better. Growing up I could be sick and feeling awful and the moment I was around her, I instantly felt better. To this day, my mother is my medicine. She just makes me feel better.
How are you turning into your mom, in a good way?
I can see myself turning into my mom when I shop. We’re all about sales, bargains and saving money! At first I hated shopping with her growing up, but now that I’m a mom, I definitely see it her way.
Now that you are a mom, what do you most admire about your mother?
When I became a mother for the first time, and each subsequent time after, I realized how much my mother loved me. I realized how much she loved me, and my siblings that follow and understood her unconditional love she continues to shower us with. Above all, admire her patient, caring, and endless devotion she showed me as a child and, now, as an adult.
How are you turning into your mom, in a good way?
There are many instances in which I realize in the end I am turning into my mother. One instance is how I strive and enjoy to provide a clean home for my husband and family, just like my mother.
Now that you are a mom, what do you most admire about your mother?
Mother’s Day is pretty emotional for me as I’m sure it is for many others. I realize how fortunate I am to still have my mother in my life. She’s been sick since I was about 8 years old. After being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, she was given six months to live. I am now 31 and she is still alive. What I most admire about her if her will to live. She is the strongest woman I know. After having my own children I can say that I’m pretty sure my sisters and I had a lot to do with her willingness to live. I also admire how much she loves us. I understood this only after having my own children.
How are you turning into your mom, in a good way?
I recently found out that my mother liked reading self-help books. I’m pretty much a self-help book junkie. Thanks, Mom.
Now that you are a mom, what do you most admire about your mother?
My mom made do with very little. Somehow, even when we had nothing but a few dollars, she made sure I had everything I needed. There was always a solution for our financial shortcomings. She would talk to whoever, bargain with anyone until we had food on the table. I remember I would sometimes be upset that she wouldn’t buy me a happy meal at McDonald’s. Now that I’m older and understand the value of money, I’m amazed at her efficiency and creativity in spending.
How are you turning into your mom, in a good way?
While our financial situation has thankfully improved, I find myself becoming more like my mom in the sense that I love to provide for my family but I also want to teach my son that money doesn’t grow on trees (yep, I’m definitely turning into my mom after throwing that line out there!).