Tickets are available for purchase at the link below starting at 7:00 PM on Friday, April 21st. Our email subscribers will gain access at 7:00 AM.
WHO :: New and Expectant Mothers
WHEN :: Saturday, May 13 from 8:30 AM to Noon
WHERE :: Edinburg Regional Medical Center
WHAT :: Attendees will have the opportunity to be face-to-face with a select vendors, have real conversations with industry professionals, tour the Edinburg Women’s Corner and learn more about the Edinburg Children’s Hospital, enjoy food & drinks, giveaways and fabulous swag bags!
Tours of the Women’s Corner will be available at regular intervals during the Bloom event. You may indicate your interest when purchasing your ticket to Bloom.
A quiet room will also be available for our nursing moms who prefer a comfortable and private area, thanks to Edinburg Regional Medical Center and Women’s Corner.
The swag bag is going to be filled lots of amazing products from our swag sponsors. The bag itself is a sturdy canvas tote that is perfect for any mom!
*Giveaways will be ongoing. You must be present to win and will be able to claim your prize through 11:55 AM before an alternate winner is selected.
WHO :: New and Expectant Mothers
WHEN :: Saturday, May 13 from 8:30 AM to Noon
WHERE :: Edinburg Regional Medical Center
WHAT :: Attendees will have the opportunity to be face-to-face with a select vendors, have real conversations with industry professionals, tour the Edinburg Women’s Corner and learn more about the Edinburg Children’s Hospital, enjoy food & drinks, giveaways and fabulous swag bags!
Do I have to be a mom to attend?
No! While the event caters to new and expecting moms, we encourage friends, partners, grandparents, or any other support crew to come along. Each individual must purchase their own ticket to the event.
Have another question? Leave it in the comment and we will be happy to address it or email [email protected] .

*Giveaways will be ongoing. You must be present to win and will be able to claim your prize through 11:55 AM before an alternate winner is selected.
Participate with some hashtag fun on Instagram as well to see the fun swag on its way, sneak peeks, day-of fun and more! Follow the fun by using #CMBNBloom17 and #RGVBloom17 on Instagram posts!
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This year we will have a panel of experts at Bloom to speak to our moms and engage in a Q & A discussion. Entering motherhood comes with so many questions so our Bloom moms are getting a direct connection to a panel of professionals and experts in their fields. We will be accepting questions for our panelist in advance as well, so email us at [email protected] or let us know on our Facebook event page.
Table Sponsors
Meet the professionals from our expert panel, chat with local businesses, enjoy some retail therapy, and collect extra tickets for our great giveaways during Bloom. Here is the magnificent group of table sponsors that you will be able to meet with in person on Saturday, May 13th at Bloom!
Giveaway & Swag Sponsors
Our swag bags and giveaway prizes are products and services worth thousands of dollars from local and national businesses that serve moms and kids. Every Bloom attendee will go home with a swag bag with products and samples. You will also have the chance to win our giveaways by attending Bloom and visiting with our local partners during the event. Don’t you just love the Mama swag bag? So do we!
Are you interested in being involved as a Sponsor for Bloom 2017? Email us to check on availability at [email protected] and we will be in contact. Sponsorship options are limited and will be reviewed in the order received.
This event is designed for expectant and new parents, but we welcome moms of all seasons! Dad or grandma can get a ticket and attend, too! It’s a great opportunity to meet new moms, make connections, have a fun morning out, learn from medical professionals and be enlightened by our featured panelists.