What a year so far! It may not be New Year’s Eve just yet, but the holidays have a way of making time fly.
Those of us behind the RGV Moms Blog wanted to take a moment to share with our friends and readers what we’re thankful for this year.
As a team, we’re grateful for a year that was inspiring, motivating, and successful beyond our wildest imaginations (and those imaginations involve margaritas on the beach, so you know they’re wild). Our readership has grown exponentially and attendance at our meet-ups and events has far surpassed our expectations. We truly feel like we’re helping to build and sustain a community of moms (and dads!) across the entire Rio Grande Valley.
Now, on a more personal note…
What we’re thankful for in 2016:
My son’s health! –Veronica M.
Good health all around. –Claudia R.
Our family settling into the community. We’ve made new friends and my son is going to a great school! –Regina H.
I am thankful for my three amazing sons, my supportive husband, my wonderful village of grandparents, family, and great friends, and for a job that I feel passionate about. I’m thankful for friends near and far. –Anastasia P.
My community, my career, my wonderful friends, my entire family and, most of all, my little girl! –Renee K.
I thank God for my husband and son who are my heart and home, our family members who always support us, and the many blessings we enjoy each day. –Lisa P.
Thanks so much for being part of our community!
Have a wonderful holiday.