About ten years ago, we decided we would start a yearly tradition of taking a girls trip. This was pre-marriage (at least for me) and pre-kids/grandkids. It was great. We did little mini vacays to San Antonio and Dallas, and went to Las Vegas as well. After kiddos, we took a little break and had the sit-down of “do we still want adult trips or to invite our kids?” And we decided, yes, we want an adult girl trip, a mini vacation with no kiddos, adult conversations and a little “us time.”
This past summer we thought, “Wouldn’t it be fun to go to Disney, just us??” My sister went this summer with her kids, and she texted afterwards that she thought it would be a great girls trip. That was it— our plan— Disney Girls Trip 2015!!
After some convincing to our spouses that, yes, it is less expensive than Las Vegas (a little white snowflake of a lie), and, yes, it would be still enjoyable to go as adults, we were set! In December my amazing mother, my awesome sister, and I went to Disney!! Just Magic Kingdom and Epcot because of time constraints.
Below are some highlights and pointers. And, yes, I totally looked at online blogs and pinterest pointers before I went!
Disney Girls Trip 2015!
First of all, we decided to stay on site. It was right for us, but you totally don’t have to do that if you don’t want to. There are plenty of buses, taxis, monorails, etc. As for us, we were walking distance to MK and had rented a car so we could drive to Epcot. Awesome.
Things I totally wouldn’t change at all = Fast Pass (I saw a guy with a shirt on that said “Lines are for Suckers” – HA!), character meals, early breakfast reservations so you can get into the park before everyone else, trying food at Epcot, pretending I was a kid and getting really excited about parades!
Day 1- Epcot
We scheduled an awesome character breakfast at 8am! We got to get into the park early, took pics with the characters, had a great meal, and then walked up – literally, walked up! – to three rides that typically have lines! (The Soren was amazing.) Then, we did one simulator that made me want to puke and made us all have to sit down and get our bearings. Nope, not as young as I used to be.
After another ride, we went over to the World Showcase, had some fish and chips and a beverage, and started to feel better. From there, we got to tour around. My sister said that her kids (4 and 7) weren’t all that into the different countries, so we got to spend lots of time wandering the shops in Morocco, tasting the crepes in France, and having wine in Italy. After many hours walking around, we even had time to have a nap at the hotel before going to dinner back in France.

Day 2- Magic Kindgdom
Breakfast at Belle’s Castle AND we ate in the West Wing! We got to see the rose and we got to see the posters that were slashed by the beast’s hands because he couldn’t look at his old self…am I dorking out? I hope so because I’m a HUGE Disney and Beauty and the Beast fan!
After breakfast (that we preordered online,) we got to ride the 7 Dwarfs Mine Ride (awesome) and could have ridden it 2 more times before the park opened! When the park DID open and we were able to move on from the area a swarm of people walked towards the Mine Ride and it immediately turned into a 45 min wait! We did Space Mountain (to which my 66 year old mother kept reminding us that she is 66 and didn’t need to be placed in this position), Pirates, and It’s a Small World — but not Peter Pan because we didn’t have a fast pass and it was a 2-hour wait…I’m SO sure. But we did the Bear Jamboree, Splash Mountain, saw 2 parades….it was great. That evening we ate at one of the MK hotels that was just beautiful.
So what does it say about me that I didn’t take my kiddo to Disney? To me it says that I value time with my momma and my sister. Our girls trips, even to Austin for the weekend, are our chances get away and value each other. Could we have done that not at Disney? Yes. But, for many reasons, we decided to make this a bigger trip— illness in my family, not having any time together at all, and changes to come. I totally missed my sweet Baby A, and it hurt my heart every time I saw a sweet family together enjoying the moment. But I also reminded myself that my moments with my mom and sister are limited.
I really do encourage everyone to have a girls trip, even if it is not out of town, even if it is a trip to a park. Make it a standing order to be present and real to each other 100% for a bit of time. If I could do Disney every girls trip, I would. But that’s not reasonable and it’s not practical. However, our 2015 Girls Trip was absolutely Magical.