Sometimes I sit back and observe all the time
I pour in to this big social media place.
It’s intangible, yes, but does leave quite a trace.
Make sure you check in wherever you go.
It’s a perk and marketing trend, you know.
You run in to a friend.
It has been a long time.
“Did you see my post?”
“Yes, did you see mine?”
This is how the conversation will go.
There’s not much new to say. You already know
what your friend had for dinner and then did for fun.
Invasive? Perhaps. “OK, gotta run!”
You can’t help but think in conversing each time
about how you have already heard it online.
Your convo continues through comments and likes
in a virtual world of tidbits and bytes.
We share about family time with our kids
and cute party favors with stickers on lids.
Articles, links, stories, and photos.
Tips to make note of and also the no-nos.
Top ten or fifteen or one hundred one
magical ways to tie your hair in a bun.
For some of us this is our platform for business.
For some we find wisdom or something delicious.
For many we long to be inspired by fitness.
Today is your birthday. You know what that means.
It’s time to be blasted with notes and memes.
Would most have remembered if not for their feed?
A true friend would know without Facebook, indeed.
Think before writing.
Read before liking.
Don’t phone while biking.
Your kids will grow up.
One day they will read.
Do you really want them
to look back at your feed?
What? You don’t have a Facebook account?
What’s that you say? Well, I was about
to take a short break and see what it’s like
to take off my app and give it a try.
But let us be honest, there’s only one way
my Facebook account will be down, I say.
It will be at the hands of a child who just might
accidentally press on the “X”. What a fright.
There once was a time when we picked up the phone
and dialed it from memory. I’m not alone
in missing long emails and phone calls to tell
an old friend about stories and how we were well.
So my dear friend, Facebook, or are you my foe?
I thank you for some things and other things no.
You’ve been in my life for a decade or so.
Eleven years and counting, but this you must know.
As hard as it is to quit you, I pray
that someday our friendship will lead us astray.
I thank you for keeping me close to my friends,
but I secretly hope that to quit you becomes trend.
For now I’ll cut back though our friendship remains.
But a focus on personal contact now reigns.
I want to take back much lost time from my kids.
I’m sure you will understand. I won’t be missed.
This Happy Mama