So I know we are a few days past the New Year…and perhaps you have set resolutions for yourself. Maybe you are totally sticking with your goals or maybe you are like me and still reflecting on all the glorious aspects of life and still figuring out how you will make 2015 your year.
I mean it!
2015 is the year for you…the year that you accomplish what you have set forth to do, the year that you lose those extra pounds that crept up as you did something amazing like, oh I don’t know, created a human being!
2015 is your year to get organized, to reconnect with old friends and to make new ones…whatever it is that your heart desires…it is time to set your intentions and accomplish what you want.
In the past, I have set the “usual” resolutions…grow my faith, get in shape, be a better person…and for the most part I’m happy with how I kind of accomplish them…but this year I want to get specific. Back in 2014 (oh so long ago) I was lucky enough to attend “Oprah’s The Life You Want Weekend.” It was a two day event that helped men and women decipher what it was they wanted and how to do it… so fellow mommas, I’m going to share an exercise with you that can help you figure out your life, what you want, and how to get it.
Step One: Make a “life pie” and take notice of your life right now. Get a piece of paper and draw a big circle on it. Then divide your circle into chunks that describe important sections of your life. This can be anything, get creative!
My life chunks included:
Family, Health, Finances, Home, Hobbies/Passions, Career, Relationships, Friendships, Charity, Faith.
Remember, your life circle may not include all of my chunk descriptions…the beauty of it is, we are all different!
Step 2: In each life chunk, put a face to indicate how you feel about that aspect of your life. You can have a smiley, a not so smiley, or a really unhappy face. This only works if you are honest with yourself…so put a face on those chunks! Also, it helps if you can find a moment alone to do this…it can be really difficult to honestly evaluate your life when you have everyday distractions occurring.
Step 3: Take a look at the life chunks that are “not so smiley and unhappy.” What is it that is causing those faces?
Step 4: Decide how to turn those frowns upside down. What is it that would make you happier? What is the ideal situation for you to make that life chunk a happy spot in your life? What actions can you take to achieve this?
I know this can seem overwhelming, especially if you have many chunks with a frown…but take it one day at a time. Pick the largest chunk with a blah or frown face and focus on that first. Make S.M.A.R.T goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely).
The concept is so simple and as I completed Oprah’s assignment, I wondered why I hadn’t ever done it before. But don’t be deceived, it may be seem easy but the hard part is committing to making your life better. No one will do it for you, so take the time to evaluate and get started!
2015 is the year that you will get the life you want!
[quote]Create the highest, grandest vision for your life. Then let every step move you in that direction.
– Oprah[/quote]