A New Year, a new journey for many of us. Our new journey consists of being parents once again. And as conspicuous as it may seem to some, others don’t know that we’re on our third! #2 for me and #3 for my hubby. I wrote about the decision previously in this article about the Right Time for the Next One. So why label it a “new journey”? Well, to begin with, we’ve never had two children under the age of three in our presence 24/7, 365 days a year, and just the thought of it overwhelms me. Overwhelms me so much, that a few months back I told my hubby, “I don’t want to think about what needs to get done until the New Year.” The New Year has arrived!
So much to prepare, especially in our four-bedroom nest! Yes, I am nesting, have been for the past month. I can’t stop cleaning. On a side note, this pregnancy is so different than my baby boy. I feel more beautiful and want to beautify my entire home! Anyone experience this during their subsequent pregnancies or while pregnant with a baby girl?
Back to the topic at hand: Preparing my nest!
The nesting has hit me in every aspect of my life. My entire nest; from my bathroom counter to the kitchen drawer with all the trinkets we don’t use, my office, and my car to my children’s toy bins. I’ve made a weekly plan with my husband, from here until the baby arrives so that our house is ready to go well before she is here. My husband will inadvertently become a “handy man” within the next couple of months.
The American Pregnancy Association (APA) states that nesting usually happens, if at all, the last few weeks of pregnancy. I don’t think that’s the case for many excitedly expecting moms….mine started right after the second trimester began. If you’re currently experiencing this, please remember these APA rules as you branch together your nest:
• Leave the ladder climbing to someone whose equilibrium isn’t thrown off by a growing human in their tummy.
• Save your lifting for the baby. Those arm muscles will soon by filled with the most precious cargo, put that handy man we call daddy to work. You’re already carrying extra weight, you don’t need anymore.
• As highly sensitive our sense of smell is at this point, please do all you can to protect yourself and baby from inhaling any cleaning chemicals. I.e. bleach, oven cleaners, powdered stainless steel cleaners, etc.
When we were building our nest about four years ago, we never thought we would run out of space in the matter of three years! I wouldn’t say we have “run out” of space, but we are making way for a new little human. After much thought, we are converting dad’s man cave (our 4th bedroom) to the official Play Room and have decided our baby girl will share a room with her brother who is two years older. Being an only child for the first ten years of my life, I really can’t relate to the notion of sharing a room. I’m sure there are many parents out there who don’t have a choice, but my husband has reassured me this will be fine for the next five to seven years. Anyone make a similar decision?
With this decision comes an emotional uncertainty and guilt that quickly takes over. I feel like I’m robbing the “baby” of experiences her older siblings were able to experience. Not to mention that our almost two-year-old son still sleeps with us and we plan on putting our baby girl in her crib as soon as possible (no more room on our bed). That’s for another article.
In coming to the decision of getting the two to share a room, my hubby and I sat down and made a “Shared Room T-Chart”. Yes, a T-Chart. Pros and Cons if you will. Most of the cons being emotionally based, pros dramatically won by a large margin. Within our Shared Room T-Chart, most of the pros centered on efficiently utilizing space in our home and creating a bond and boundaries between brother and sister. [Related: Pros and Cons of Siblings Sharing a Room]
After researching my decision, I found a very common peculiarity in siblings sharing bedrooms. Children tend to love being around other children, they yearn for that safety and comfort. In our anticipation in for our children sharing a room, we are looking for them to learn to solve problems, work together, trust one another and feel comfort in knowing there is someone they can talk to. I know whenever it is offered to have a “slumber party” in the master bedroom, all kids in our family view it as a treat. While our situation allows us to choose using our spare room as a play room instead of our third child’s room, I can only hope my children one day, realize there is always an open door and can make their own decisions to separate. Until then, I’ll be keeping you informed of the transformation, excitement and challenges. [Related: Making Room with a Music Room]
As my nesting continues through mid-April, I hope to bring you updates on decisions of storage, do-it-yourself projects and efficiency created throughout my home. Preparing for the same “song and dance” is not always the same as the time before.