This summer my husband had the best craziest idea ever. He decided that we all needed a little time away and that we should take a family vacation.
Now don’t get me wrong I’m all for a fun vacay but with two little ones under the age of 3 I was a little beyond stressed about packing us all into a car and driving yes I said driving hours and hours away.
Total time away from home was going to be 9 days, total time it took momma to stress out: 1 second.
All I could envision was a car packed with luggage upon luggage, car seats, strollers, toys, iPads, diapers, wipes and snacks to feed an army! I’m not sure about you but even with two kiddos I always seem to manage to forget something when packing for a trip – socks, shoes or pajamas. One afternoon we headed to the beach for a little playtime and dinner and my almost three year old was the perfect poster child for “no shirt, no problem” because momma forget a clean shirt for him! Luckily I had my two lifesavers in hand — my venti Starbucks and my iphone. I knew that I had seen something on Pinterest one night that would save my life and this was the perfect time to use it!
I headed to my boys closet and started selcting outfits – top, bottom, socks, and diaper/pull-up per day for each of them.
Once I had all these laid out I headed to the pantry for some Zip-loc bags and started labeling them by day.
Each outfit was then rolled (or sometimes just stuffed) neatly into the bags and the packing for the boys was done and it didn’t take up too much space!
I made sure to pack an “Extras” bag with several outfit choices just in case because let’s face it there’s always a just in case moment with kiddos. The extras bag stayed with us in the back seat or in the diaper bag for quick access. 
So then we were off.
As we made it from one destination to the next, it was easy to just unpack one Ziploc baggie for each boy and not have to search and search through the luggage for something for them to wear that day. Their outfits for the next day were laid out and ready for the morning while their dirty clothes went neatly back into the baggie. After day three even my son started helping because I would just ask him to “go get his bag of clothes.” I’m happy to say we all made it safely through our 9 day excursion and laundry was pretty easy when we got back. Opened up each baggie and dumped the clothes into the washer! Nice clean baggies went right back into the suitcase for Daddy’s next big idea!
Sounds like you had a fun vacation! isn’t that wonderful when you can get away and just reconnect with your family, away from the daily grind! We just got back from a trip to CO and it was so nice to just explore and enjoy each other. Your ziplock idea was a good idea!!
So I know I’m not the only one to notice, but many might be afraid to point out, the placement of the boy’s chest clips are too low to safely keep them restrained in their seats. Best practice is to keep them at nipple line/ arm pit level. This allows the seat straps to remain in the right position to keep them safely restrained (it also should be snug enough that no webbing can be pinched at the shoulders).
This is shared out of care and best wishes for your family from a certified car seat technician who just wants everyone to travel in the safest manner possible. May you have many more lovely, well deserved vacations with your lovely family. Blessings.
[…] From the last week of June through mid-July, my husband, my 2-year old daughter and I took a road trip from McAllen, TX, to St. Louis, MO to Milwaukee, WI. That, my friends, involved some packing. […]