For the past four years my husband has eaten the same thing for breakfast almost every day of the work week. When I was pregnant with our first child I started eating the Jimmy Dean Delight Breakfast Sandwiches because I needed the extra protein in the morning to curb my morning sickness. GUESS WHO was sneaking my sandwiches… the Daddy-to-be! So I have been buying them for him for the past 4 years now and those darn things are expensive! They are almost $5 for 4 sandwiches and it’s just an English muffin, an egg white, cheese and a turkey sausage patty! If I didn’t have any breakfast sandwiches he would end up eating El Pato every morning so I figured buying the frozen sandwiches was a healthier option for him. Who knew it would be going on for well over 4 years!
So this weekend I took it upon myself to make my own frozen breakfast sandwiches for my hubby! I mean how hard could it be to open a few English muffins, cook a few eggs and sausage and stick a piece of cheese in between them? Not hard, right? Here is what you need and how I made these yummy breakfast sandwiches.

Shopping list:
- One package of English Muffins (6 in a pack)
- 6 eggs
- 6 slices of cheese (I used mozzarella, but you can use which ever you like)
- Jenny O Lean Turkey Sausage
- Saran wrap
- Gallon sized freezer bag
First, I cracked each egg in a ramekin and sprinkled each egg with salt and pepper and whisked it a little to break up the yolk with a fork. Then I placed the ramekins on a baking sheet and baked the eggs in the oven at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes or until the eggs were set.

Next, I cut the turkey sausage into slices that were about a 1/2 inch wide and cooked them in a frying pan. I pressed the turkey sausage down to make them the same size as the English muffin. I browned them on each side until they were down. This was pretty fast. My daughter ate the rest of the sausage for lunch and dinner, but you really probably only need half the tube of sausage so you could cut it in half and freeze the rest for the next time you make them.

While you are waiting for the eggs and sausage to be done cooking get out your English muffins and 6 slices of cheese. Open your English muffins and put a slice of cheese on one half of each muffin.

Once the eggs and sausage are done cooking you can layer them on top of the cheese and then put the top half of the muffin on top. EX. muffin, cheese, egg, sausage, muffin. You will end up with 6 sandwiches.

Now, wrap each individual sandwich in saran wrap and place them in a freezer bag and place them in the freezer!

When you are ready to eat these gems grab one out of the freezer and unwrap the sandwich from the saran wrap and wrap it in a paper towel. Then place it in the microwave and cook it at 50% power for 1 minute and then flip the sandwich and cook it at full power for another minute and VOILÀ you have a healthy and cheaper version of the yummy break your wallet Jimmy Dean Delight Breakfast Sandwich.