Rachel Carreon grew up in the north suburbs of Chicago and has since lived in Portland, Oregon, Strasbourg, France, and Phoenix, Arizona, and is most proud to call the Rio Grande Valley her home. She works full-time for a national education non-profit focusing on leadership development programming, and was formerly a teacher in a k-3 self-contained special education setting. She lives with her husband Robert and their almost 14 month old son Jacob. They also have a blue heeler mix named Huck. Rachel loves to cook and you can find her reading cookbooks and cooking magazines for fun, as if they were great works of literature. She also loves to be outdoors and in her non-work time (because who has free time?) you can often find her on walks, at the park, or relaxing in the back yard with her family. Rachel loves to enjoy good food (and wine) with family and friends and enjoys trying out new cooking projects at home and new and old favorite restaurants when she has the chance to get out and about. She is a novice mother, but an eager learner and is excited to build community with her readers, to share a bit of herself, and to learn from others and their experiences.
What are three of your must-haves?
1. Excercise. You’ll know when I am not exercising because I’ll be cranky and impatient. I need to be physically active-the higher intensity, the better.
2. Pasta. At least once a week I need a nice bowl of fresh pasta with fresh vegetables and freshly grated Parmesan cheese. It’s my ultimate comfort food.
3. My husband and my son-they are my definition of home and comfort.
What trait (physical or personality) do you hope your child inherited from their father? Generosity, selflessness
How many kids do you have? How many kids do you want? I have one child, and we want to have two children total, if we are lucky enough to have another. Maybe three.
What did you want to be growing up? A Broadway star or a pop singer
Who is/are your heroes? My Grandmother is my hero. She is brilliant, kind, funny, and has loved me without condition for my entire life-especially when I needed a champion, especially when I felt I didn’t deserve it. I hope that my child feels the same kind of love from me that I’ve always felt from her.
What is your favorite food? Pasta. Hands down. And things made with pasta, like potstickers, dumplings, etc. Chocolate chip cookies are a close second.
Describe your ideal day? A nice leisurely brunch outside with Jacob and Robert, a trip to the park to play, grilling in the backyard, a quiet dinner with my husband after bedtime. I guess eating and being outside are themes here!