It’s now January 2022, and we’re still dealing with COVID-19. While we don’t have the answer to everything yet, we do have the COVID vaccine and booster. The decision to vaccinate your family is one that is met with many questions and is completely your own. RGV Moms is honored to partner with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to share facts about the COVID vaccines so that you can make the best choice for your family.
Just the facts on COVID and vaccines
Safety is a top priority. Millions of people have safely received COVID vaccines under the most rigorous safety monitoring in U.S. history. COVID vaccines are the most closely monitored vaccines in U.S. history and are being monitored just as closely in children.
Vaccines work. COVID vaccines help prevent severe illness and death from COVID.
Almost eight million American children under 18 have gotten COVID. Since August, hospitalization rates for children with COVID have reached record highs.

But great news! Everyone in the U.S. age 5 or older is now eligible to get vaccinated.
Children ages 5 and older can get the same safe, effective protection from COVID that hundreds of millions of American adults have received. While it’s rare for children to become seriously ill from COVID, it is possible. Coupled with the fact that experts aren’t sure what the long-term impacts of COVID infection are, it’s clear that protection measures should be taken.
Because of this, CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics both recommend all children 5 and older get a COVID vaccine as soon as possible. COVID vaccines are given to children ages 5-11 in a smaller dose that has been tailored for younger children.
What about side effects?
In clinical trials, children had the same kinds of temporary side effects from COVID vaccines that adults have. One day of discomfort sure beats several days out of school or, worse, hospitalization!
Where can I find a vaccine for my child?
Vaccinations are easily accessible. Check with your child’s school or health care provider to see if they are offering vaccination clinics, as many are!
Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect our families and make life safer for everyone.
Getting vaccinated will ensure that the daughter spending her last days with her mother isn’t doing so alone, she’s there with her husband and her sister. Getting vaccinated gives mom the peace of mind to send her very last baby off to college. Getting vaccinated means safely seeing your elderly grandparents and sick friends and ensuring that COVID becomes a thing of the past.
We Can Do This, even without a magic wand.
For more information or to find vaccines near you, visit, text your ZIP code to 438829 (GETVAX), or call 1-800-232-0233.