March 2019 is already knocking at the door, and RGV Moms Blog is here to keep you organized when it comes to all things that giggle and hide gold at the end of the rainbow!
Celebrate these great March holidays with us, and choose your new phone background from one of our two design options!
March 2nd –Read Across America Day
March 5th – Mardi Gras
March 8th – International Women’s Day
March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day
March 21st – World Down Syndrome Day

March 2019 Calendar Screensaver
March means the beginning of spring, and that calendar is just going to get fuller! Pick your favorite from our two phone calendar backgrounds to keep you organized as you go throughout your busy day.
On your phone: Click on the image to save the full resolution. Open in photos and set as Wallpaper and/or Lockscreen image.
On your computer: Click on the image for full resolution, then right click to save.
Check out The Scoop: RGV Family Fun in March for a great round-up of family-friendly events happening throughout the Rio Grande Valley in March!
Planning to stay in the RGV for Spring Break? Our Spring Break RGV Staycation Guide will give you plenty of ideas!
Traveling? Search through great posts from our City Moms Blog Network sister sites in Texas for some family-friendly attractions and activities with our Spring Break Texas Travel Guide!