This month signals the end of summer, but there’s still so much to celebrate! Don’t forget to to swap out your phone’s screensaver for our August image (scroll down).
August 1st-7th – World Breastfeeding Week
August 5th – Friendship Day & Sisters Day
August 13th – Left Handers’ Day (where ya at?)
August 20th – National Mosquito Day (Can I get an amen?)
August 26th – National Dog Day

August Calendar Screensaver
School is about to start up, and that means the schedule gets cray-zay! #amiright Keep yourself organized this August with a calendar screensaver. Save it on your screen and always have it handy at a single click.
On your phone: Click on the image to save the full resolution. Open in photos and set as Wallpaper and/or Lockscreen image.
On your computer: Click on the image for full resolution, then right click to save.
We’ve got you covered so you can finish your summer bucket list strong! Find out more about activities around town in our Guide to Family Fun in August. Click below to view the full guide and visit the calendar to add more community events at any time.