It’s National Siblings Day! Here’s to fun memories of crazy times! A few of our own Rio Grande Valley Moms Blog contributors were game to share with you some of their own sibling memories, along with some absolutely awesome pictures! We also asked about their ideal age gap, and it seems like the consensus is between two and three years!

What is your resolution this year?
To simplify my life
What are you most looking forward to in 2018?
Helping my daughter navigate choosing the best middle school this Spring, then transitioning to that school and everything it has to offer in the Fall
What’s the craziest thing you and your siblings did when you were kids?
We used to play in the mud a lot and pick up lizards and horny toads that roamed the yard for fun. One of our pastimes was to take turns getting in the big blue garbage bins, fill them up with water, “swim” for a bit and then tip ourselves over. Over and over and over again.
What’s your ideal time-gap between kids?
My big brother and I were 16 months apart. We were great friends, although I certainly knew how to push his buttons (according to my parents). My three sons are pretty close in age (16 months and 19 months) and all play together A LOT although it is sweet to see the way my 6-year-old is so caring for his baby cousin, and I can see the perks of spacing kids out a little more.

What’s your ideal time-gap between kids?
All three of my kids are two years apart, and I love that spacing!
What’s the craziest thing you and your siblings did when you were kids?
My brother & I are two years apart. We looked out for each other, but we also fought a lot. I don’t remember the craziest thing we did together, but my brother did remind me of the time we threw rocks at the ice-cream truck and ran! (don’t do that!)

What’s your ideal time-gap between kids?
Our three kiddos are 2.5-3 years apart, and there are plusses and minuses to having them all in a different stage all the time. As a foster mom, I’ve had little ones as close together as 14 months, and also ones the same age as my bio and adopted kids. I’m a twin myself, and I have NO IDEA how my mom did it! If you’re out of the baby stage, having “twins” wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. IMO, babies closer than 20 months = crazy-town!
What’s the craziest thing you and your siblings did when you were kids?
Even though we are twins, my brother and I are polar opposites in just about every way, but I do have a strong recollection of a go-kart, long-hair and blood all over the place…

What’s your ideal time-gap between kids?
My sister and I are two years apart. I enjoyed it and we both would have wanted more siblings because we loved the holidays when we got to play with our cousins (see photo below) who lived out of town. So I always wanted at least four children. We decided to have our kids three to four years apart. That way we can all enjoy one baby at a time and cherish those moments.
What’s the craziest thing you and your siblings did when you were kids? We would talk to boys we liked on the phone and we pretend to be the other sister and try to see if they liked us.

What is your resolution this year?
I don’t necessarily have one…but going to try to make this year more about me (take care of mental & physical health).
What are you most looking forward to in 2018?
Not sure . . . it hasn’t sunken in yet that we’re in 2018.
What is your resolution this year?
To stop making resolutions and just make everyday count. I would say to be more patient, but life always finds a way to mess that up!
What are you most looking forward to in 2018?
Spending more time with my family. Family really is everything.

What is your resolution this year?
I hope to reverse the hypothyroid diagnosis I received three weeks ago.
What are you most looking forward to in 2018?
I am looking forward to traveling and vacation time with my family!

What’s your ideal time-gap between kids?
My ideal age gap would be like me and my sister, at least 4 years apart. One of us was always able to look out for the other. I love my boys’ age gap too, since they play together so well, but I think I was blessed with that and not many children get along so easily at seven years apart.
What’s the craziest thing you and your siblings did when you were kids?
The craziest thing I can remember doing with my younger sister was when we caught tarantulas at in my grandma’s backyard! We put them in boxes. At the time we had to have been about 12 and 8, and had no idea it was even dangerous until our mother yelled at us when she got home.

What’s your ideal time-gap between kids?
My brother is seven years older than I am. He is my dad’s son from a previous marriage, but lived with us growing up. My older sister and I are two years apart and my little sister and I are a year apart (14 months to be exact). I think 2-3 years apart is good spacing. I still have NO idea how my mom did it with us girls. I, unfortunately, didn’t inherit the patience she possesses.
What’s the craziest thing you and your siblings did when you were kids? We did a lot of crazy things. The one thing that sticks out, though, is the time my little sister and I hid from my parents in my brother’s closet. They went out looking for us everywhere and couldn’t find us. Finally, hours later, my brother found us in his closet. My dad didn’t spank us (although I can now see it would have been well-deserved) but he told us to go see what we had done to our mom. She was crying so badly we could barely understand what she was saying and she hugged us. I still feel guilty to this day! I’m sure those few hours felt like an eternity to my mom.

What is your resolution this year?
Finish unpacking, empty our storage units, and finish making our new house a home… preferably before 2019.
What are you most looking forward to in 2018?
Less chaos, more stability, more schedules and more organization.
Bring it 2018!